
Suricate is an open source application which allows IT teams to monitor their environments through dashboards made of widgets that can be displayed on TVs.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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This repository contains the source code of the Suricate application.

Suricate dashboard developer environment

Table of Contents


You can download Suricate as a fat jar from the project's releases page on GitHub at https://github.com/michelin/suricate/releases.

Please note that Java 21 is required starting from Suricate 2.8.0 (Java 8 before).

Additionally, a Docker image of the solution is available at https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/michelin/suricate.


Suricate is built on the Spring Boot framework and can be configured using a Spring Boot configuration file, which includes a sample file located at src/main/resources/application.properties.

If necessary, you can override the properties from the default application.properties file by following the Spring Boot externalized configuration guide. For example, you can create a custom /config/application.properties or set the --spring.config.location system property when running the fat jar file:

java -Dpolyglotimpl.DisableClassPathIsolation=true -jar suricate.jar --spring.config.location=classpath:\,file:C:\myCustomLocation\

The -Dpolyglotimpl.DisableClassPathIsolation=true option is required to run Polyglot properly (more details).

Alternatively, you can use the provided docker-compose file to run the application and use a volume to override the default properties:

docker-compose up -d

Both Front-End and Back-End will be served on port 8080 by default.


Default Configuration

By default, Suricate:

  • runs on a H2 file database
  • provides a sign-in/sign-up authentication mode based on the database


Suricate supports running on different DBMS. Currently, the following DBMS are supported:

  • H2
  • PostgreSQL

You can define the DBMS you want to use in the application.properties file with the spring.profiles.active parameter:

spring.profiles.active: ### Provider should be 'h2' or 'postgresql'

The matching application-DBMS.properties file will be picked up.

In the matching application-DBMS.properties, fill in the datasource properties:


Please note that the application-DBMS.properties files activate Flyway to automatically set up the database structure (tables, constraints, etc.) and the minimum required functional data.


Suricate provides multiple types of authentication that can be activated or deactivated based on your requirements.

All the authentication modes deliver a JWT token that is used to authenticate the user on the Back-End. You can configure the JWT token using the following properties:

application.authentication.jwt.signingKey: 'changeitchangeitchangeitchangeit'
application.authentication.jwt.tokenValidityMs: 86400000

The signing key should be at least 256 bits long and should be changed for each environment.


You can log in to Suricate using the database after the sign-up step.

You can choose this authentication mode using the following YAML property:

application.authentication.provider: 'database'

If you choose the database authentication mode, you must change the encryption password:

jasypt.encryptor.password: 'changeitchangeitchangeitchangeit'


You can log in to Suricate an LDAP.

You can choose this authentication mode using the following YAML property:

application.authentication.provider: 'ldap'

If you choose the ldap authentication mode, you must specify the following additional properties:


Social Login

Suricate supports authentication with GitHub and GitLab. You can configure social login using the application-social-login.properties file, which you can activate by running the application with the social-login profile.

When you activate social login, you can activate or deactivate a social login mode by adding or removing it from the property:

application.authentication.socialProviders: gitlab,github

To log in using GitHub, you must specify the following properties:

spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.github.client-id: <github_client_id>
spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.github.client-secret: <github_client_id>

To log in using GitLab with OIDC, you must specify the following properties:

spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.gitlab.client-id: <gitlab_client_id>
spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.gitlab.client-secret: <gitlab_client_secret>
spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.gitlab.authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.gitlab.redirect-uri: http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/gitlab
spring.security.oauth2.client.provider.gitlab.issuer-uri: https://gitlab.com
spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.gitlab.scope: read_user,openid,profile,email

To log in using GitLab with OAuth2, you must specify the following properties:

spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.gitlab.client-id: <gitlab_client_id>
spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.gitlab.client-secret: <gitlab_client_secret>
spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.gitlab.authorization-grant-type: authorization_code
spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.gitlab.redirect-uri: http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/gitlab
spring.security.oauth2.client.provider.gitlab.issuer-uri: https://gitlab.com
spring.security.oauth2.client.registration.gitlab.scope: read_user
spring.security.oauth2.client.provider.gitlab.user-info-uri: https://gitlab.com/api/v4/user
spring.security.oauth2.client.provider.gitlab.user-name-attribute: username
Redirection to Front-End

The social login is based on OAuth2/OIDC and is handled by the Back-End. After a successful or failed authentication with a social network, the Back-End redirects to the Front-End.

The Back-End uses the following methods to redirect to the Front-End in this order:

The first option is currently used.

The other options are defined by the following properties:

application.authentication.oauth2.defaultTargetUrl: http://localhost:4200/login
application.authentication.oauth2.useReferer: false
Name Parsing Strategy

By default, Suricate parses the user's first name and last name from the ID provider using the format "Firstname Lastname". However, you can also configure Suricate to parse the first name and last name based on the case ( upper/lower) using the following property:

application.authentication.socialProvidersConfig.<provider>.nameCaseParse: true

Simply replace <provider> with the appropriate social provider, such as github or gitlab.

Personal Access Token

The application allows for the generation of personal access tokens, which can be used for authentication. The following properties are used for token generation and verification:

application.authentication.pat.prefix: sup
application.authentication.pat.checksumSecret: changeit

It is recommended to update the checksumSecret with a different secret for each environment, to enhance security.

The prefix is used by the application to identify the token type and parse it.


The first time you start the application, you'll need to configure a repository of widgets. To do this, navigate to the repositories tab and add a new repository. You can choose to add either a local or remote repository (such as GitLab or GitHub).

If you don't have a repository yet, you can create your own widgets repository by following the instructions provided in the official open-source widgets GitHub repository, or use this repository directly.

To configure this repository in Suricate, use the following settings:

Name: [ Enter a name of your choice ]
URL: https://github.com/michelin/suricate-widgets.git
branch: master
login: [ Your GitHub login ]
password: [ Your GitHub password ]

Swagger UI

Suricate provides a Swagger UI to test the API. You can access it at http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html.

You can authenticate using the POST /api/v1/auth/signin endpoint and then use the Authorize button to add the JWT token in the Authorization header.

Note: The authentication through social login is not supported yet by the Swagger UI.


We welcome contributions from the community! Before you get started, please take a look at our contribution guide to learn about our guidelines and best practices. We appreciate your help in making Suricate a better tool for everyone.