
Information to be imported by i-on integration into i-on core



The I-On initiative aims to build an extensible platform that is the reference point to the academic community, aggregating published information regarding term calendars, timetables, courses, and other items of relevance.

I-On Integration is a sub-project of the initiative and its main goal is to collect unstructured data from external sources and make the information available in a format that can be understood by other components.

This repository holds the strutured data made available by I-On Integration making it available to other I-On sub-projects.

Data Structure

The following diagram depicts the structure defined to maintain the data.

Data Structure

The name of the folders for the schools will be based on the package naming prefix used by Java using the reversed Internet domain name for each institution qualified name.

Each school will have a folder academic_yearswith the several academic years containing that year's academic calendar in the format YYYY-YYYY. The institution will also have a folder named programmes containing the several programmes broken down by calendar term (semester) in the format YYYY-YYYY-[1|2] where the last digit refers either to the first (1) or the second semester (2).

The academic data is split in several files that separate the multiple entities:


Provides details of schools. The primary key is the id field which uses same naming prefix as described above for the folders. The timezone refers to the institution time zone and is based in the IANA time zone database.

  - id: pt.ipl.isel
    timezone: Europe/Lisbon
    countryCode: pt
    name: Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa  
    address: Rua Conselheiro Emídio Navarro, 1, 1959-007 LISBOA
    telephone: (+351) 218317000
    uri: https://www.isel.pt
    email: isel@isel.pt
  - id: pt.ulisboa.tecnico
    timezone: Europe/Lisbon
    countryCode: pt
    name: Instituto Superior Técnico
    address: Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 LISBOA
    telephone: (+351) 218417769
    uri: https://www.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
    email: academica@tecnico.ulisboa.pt


Describes all the course offering for a school. The courses have an id which provides uniquivocal reference. The acronym is an array since there may be multiple acronyms associated with the course (e.g. Segurança de Informação is known as SI and SegInf).

school: pt.ipl.isel
  - id: 0
      - PSC
    name: Programação em Sistemas Computacionais
      - 3
    optional: false
    termDuration: 1 # 1 .. 4
    ects: 6
    scientificArea: IC
      - LEIC
  - id: 1
      - CD
    name: Computação Distribuída
      - 1
    optional: false
    termDuration: 1 # 1 .. 4
    ects: 6
    scientificArea: IC
      - MEIC

School Programmes

This format describes the programmes provided by an institution. States the list of teachers that coordinate it, the department, number of terms, email, uri to an external reference and its description. The acronym provides the primary key.

school: pt.ipl.isel
  - acronym: MEIC
    name: Mestrado em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
    termSize: 4
    department: ADEETC
      - Teacher A
      - Teacher B
      - Teacher C
    email: meic.coordenacao@deetc.isel.ipl.pt
    uri: https://www.isel.pt/cursos/mestrados/engenharia-informatica-e-de-computadores
    description: O mestrado em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores (MEIC), corresponde ao 2º ciclo no âmbito da Declaração de Bolonha. O MEIC oferece aos seus estudantes uma formação sólida com o ADN do ISEL - equilíbrio entre conceitos teóricos e a sua aplicação prática - recorrendo às mais modernas tecnologias. A organização curricular do MEIC permite ao estudante construir um percurso de formação individualizado, direcionado para quem pretende aprofundar as competências adquiridas no ciclo de estudos anterior, mas também para atualizar os conhecimentos e melhorar as competências de quem já está no mercado de trabalho.
  - acronym: LEIC
    termSize: 6
    department: ADEETC
      - Teacher B
      - Teacher D
    email: leic.coordenacao@deetc.isel.ipl.pt
    uri: https://www.isel.pt/cursos/licenciaturas/engenharia-informatica-e-de-computadores
    description: O ciclo de estudos conducente ao grau de licenciado em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores resulta do aprofundamento dum perfil profissional reconhecido pelo mercado empregador nacional e internacional. A inovação e o aperfeiçoamento pedagógico reconhecidos são consequência da vasta experiência do corpo docente e do seu envolvimento em atividades de investigação, desenvolvimento e de projeto, em colaboração com empresas e outras entidades, públicas e privadas. Este ciclo de estudos reflete a influência da ligação à indústria, da interação com a comunidade. Trata-se duma experiência continuada de relacionamento produtivo, acompanhada pela transferência de tecnologia, formação e consultadoria, em diferentes áreas de especialização da engenharia informática e de computadores.


The timetable.yml file will be formatted as follows:

creationDateTime: 2021-04-21T20:49:16Z      # Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) - ISO 8601
retrievalDateTime: 2021-04-21T20:49:16Z      # Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) - ISO 8601
  acr: ISEL
  name: "Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores"
  acr: LEIC
calendarTerm: 2020-2021-2
  -   acr: E
        - section: LEIC11Da
            - category: LECTURE  # [LECTURE | PRACTICE | LAB | LECTURE_PRACTICE]
                - L_H2    # not mandatory
              beginTime: "14:00"
              duration: "01:30"
              weekday: MO # RFC 5545  [ SU | MO | TU | WE | TH | FR | SA ]
            - category: LECTURE
              beginTime: "14:00"
              duration: "01:30"
              weekday: WE
            - category: LECTURE
              beginTime: "14:00"
              duration: "01:30"
              weekday: TH
            - name: Teacher A
              category: PRACTICE
            - name: Teacher B
              category: LECTURE

Exam Schedule

For the exam_schedule.yaml file will have the format:

creationDateTime: 2021-04-21T20:49:16Z
retrievalDateTime: 2021-04-21T20:49:16Z
    name: Instituto Superior Engenharia Lisboa 
    acr: ISEL
    name: Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
    acr: LEIC
calendarTerm: 2019-2020-2
    - name: AED
      startDate: 2020-07-09T14:00:00Z
      endDate: 2020-07-09T17:00:00Z

The formats of each key are similar to the ones used in timetable.yml, with the exception of category. This key will classify the evaluations with one the following values [ TEST | EXAM_NORMAL | EXAM_ALTERN | EXAM_SPECIAL ]. Note that startDate and endDate are in UTC, so if conversion is required it's necessary to get the institution's timezone from the Schools file.

Academic Calendar

For the calendar.yml:

creationDateTime: 2021-04-21T20:49:16Z
retrievalDateTime: 2021-04-21T20:49:16Z
  name: Instituto Superior Engenharia Lisboa 
  acr: ISEL
language: pt-PT
  - calendarTerm: 2019-2020-1
      - name: Férias Natal
        startDate: 2019-12-23
        endDate: 2020-01-04
      - name: Exames época normal
        startDate: 2020-01-13
        endDate: 2020-02-01
        duringLectures: false
      - name: Exames época recurso
        startDate: 2020-02-03
        endDate: 2020-02-15
        duringLectures: false
      - name: Exames época especial
        startDate: 2020-02-26
        endDate: 2020-03-07
        duringLectures: true
      - name: Turmas 1º Semestre
          - id: 1
        startDate: 2019-09-16
        endDate: 2020-01-11
      - name: Turmas excepto 1º Semestre
          - id: 2
          - id: 3
          - id: 4
          - id: 5
          - id: 6
        startDate: 2019-09-09
        endDate: 2019-12-21
      - name: Divulgação de horários
        startDate: 2019-07-22
        endDate: 2019-07-22
      - name: Abertura das atividades letivas 2019/2020
        startDate: 2019-09-02
        endDate: 2019-09-02
      - name: Data limite para lançamento de classificações no Portal Académico (frequência, exames de época normal e de época de recurso)
        startDate: 2020-02-21
        endDate: 2020-02-21
      - name: Data limite para lançamento de classificações no Portal Académico (época especial)
        startDate: 2020-03-14
        endDate: 2020-03-14

A particular note to curricularTerm which indicates the academic semesters afected by the specific events.
