
Discord bot created for personal usage.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

BCH compliance

Jose Manuel Discord bot

What is this?

This is a Discord bot made by me for personal use. It is entirely in Spanish, although the code is mostly in english. This is because this proyect served as a way of learning things with node.js and mysql. It includes commands that were created only for specific use cases for me and my friends (a movie database for the movies we watch (which is not included in this repo), etc), other commands that are mostly useless for a Discord bot but were implemented for educational purposes (like emt, which basically gets bus arrival times in Madrid, Spain) and the rest of the commands, which are basic Discord commands that pretty much every bot has (help, pfp, etc).

Also, some commands might not work, I recently updated the discord.js API to v13, so I need to change some things in order for it to function properly. As far as I am concerned though, the bot can be executed, however some commands may crash it (probably voice related ones).

Missing files

Finally, I wanted to say that obviously there is a config file missing (with the prefix, token and other info), so have that in mind in case you wanted to clone this (I don't see why you would, but feel free to do so). There is also a db folder missing including the movie database I talked about earlier (I might push it to the repo, but I am not sure yet).

All the missing files can be seen in the .gitignore.

Update: I've just decided to delete everything related to the movie database. I might upload it to another repo, but probably not. It was great for learning SQL, but right now is useless, as we don't add movies anymore :(.


Feel free to use any of this code and even ask questions about it if you want. As I said, some commands only work on a specific server (our personal private server), so I don't think you are going to find anything useful here.

This is mostly a project made for me and my friends and to learn things about js and programming. It's a project that I've been working on for 2 years now, while I study. It is not serious and probably won't be a public bot, but I've decided to upload it to GitHub for portability purposes and maybe collaboration with other people ?. I think having projects here in general is very useful, so that's basically it.