
Easy incremental (lazy) URL building

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URLazy lets you build or extend existing urls incrementally (lazy) which is it's sole purpose. To build/extend from existing URLs from_string method can be used.

Here are some examples how you can build URLs using URLazy:

>>> from urlazy import URL, HTTPS

one way

>>> url = HTTPS() // 'www.youtube.com'

>>> video_id = 'dQw4w9WgXcQ'

>>> tracking = {'utm_campaign': 'utmc', 'utm_source': 'utms', 'utm_medium': 'utmm'}

>>> if video_id:
...     url /= 'watch'
...     url &= {'v': video_id}

>>> if tracking:
...     url &= tracking

>>> url.geturl()

another way

>>> url = URL().https()

>>> url.hostname('www.youtube.com')
URL(_scheme='https', _username='', _password='', _hostname='www.youtube.com', _port='', _path=[], _query=[], _fragment='')

>>> video_id = 'dQw4w9WgXcQ'

>>> tracking = {'utm_campaign': 'utmc', 'utm_source': 'utms', 'utm_medium': 'utmm'}

>>> if video_id:
...     url.path('watch')
...     url.query({'v': video_id})
URL(_scheme='https', _username='', _password='', _hostname='www.youtube.com', _port='', _path=['watch'], _query=[], _fragment='')
URL(_scheme='https', _username='', _password='', _hostname='www.youtube.com', _port='', _path=['watch'], _query=[('v', 'dQw4w9WgXcQ')], _fragment='')

>>> if tracking:
...     url.query(tracking)
URL(_scheme='https', _username='', _password='', _hostname='www.youtube.com', _port='', _path=['watch'], _query=[('v', 'dQw4w9WgXcQ'), ('utm_campaign', 'utmc'), ('utm_source', 'utms'), ('utm_medium', 'utmm')], _fragment='')

>>> url.geturl()

other examples

>>> (HTTPS() // 'www.youtube.com' / 'watch' & {'v': 'dQw4w9WgXcQ'}).url

>>> (URL.https().hostname('www.youtube.com').path('watch').query({'v': 'dQw4w9WgXcQ'})).url

>>> (HTTPS() // URL().hostname('www.youtube.com') / URL().path('watch') & URL().query({'v': 'dQw4w9WgXcQ'}) | URL().fragment('fragment')).url

>>> (HTTPS() // 'www.youtube.com' / 'path1' / 'path2' / '' & [('a', 1), ('b', 2)] & [('a', 3)] | 'fragment' | '-more-fragment').url

>>> (URL.https().username('user').password('pwd').hostname('www.youtube.com').port(443).path('/').query([('a', 1), ('b', 2)]).query([('a', 3)]).fragment('fragment').fragment('-more-fragment')).url

extending existing urls

>>> (URL.from_string('https://www.youtube.com/old_path') / 'watch' & 'v=dQw4w9WgXcQ' | 'fragment').url