
Using the Elastic stack to scrape, store and analyze http://netwars.pl forum data

Primary LanguagePython

Netwars data and scraping

What is it about:

  • Scrape all netwars.pl topics and store raw html in sql/elastic
  • Parse all raw html files into meaningfull json files and index them in Elasticsearch
  • Monitor netwars.pl for changes -> scrape -> (re)index
  • A scheduled job will look for changes on the front page, once a change is detected, job to parse and index it will be send to RQ and processed by the worker pool.
  • Visualize and explore the data in Pandas and Kibana


  • Around 5m posts where scraped and indexed in Elastic
  • Elastic data dump can be found here: s3://i008/elkdata.7z
  • HDF5-PandasDataframe-Dump containing every post can be found here: s3://i008/nw_posts.hdf5
  • SQLite Dump cintaining every post can be found here: s3://i008/nw_posts.sqlite

Tables looks like that:

cites forum_id post_body post_date post_id topic_id topic_name unique_post_id user_id user_name
[] /forum/4 Dzisiaj rano wsiadając do auta spotkała mnie n... 2016-11-16 13:46:15 1 173469 [ZNPZ] Auto porysowane gowździem 173469-1 29243 Vol
[] /forum/4 Jak nie ma kamer i nikt nic nie widział to rac... 2016-11-16 13:50:19 2 173469 [ZNPZ] Auto porysowane gowździem 173469-2 7201 Rocca
[] /forum/4 Dzwon pod 666 podoficer Zupa 2016-11-16 13:51:45 3 173469 [ZNPZ] Auto porysowane gowździem 173469-3 18416 KiV
[173469-2] /forum/4 i właśnie tak kombinuję, tym bardziej że kole... 2016-11-16 13:52:45 4 173469 [ZNPZ] Auto porysowane gowździem 173469-4 29243 Vol
[] /forum/4 <fragment z pulp fiction jak Vince sie zali, z... 2016-11-16 13:54:20 5 173469 [ZNPZ] Auto porysowane gowździem 173469-5 15662 maac

shape: (5496160, 9)

Raw data:

There are some things to improve in parsing the data, the Raw-html dump of (almost) every topic can be found here: s3://i008/nwdb.sqlite

How to explore the data in Kibana

- Download the dump elkdata.7z from S3 , unpack in main repo directory,
~ docker-compose up elk  
- go to localhost:5601

Kibana example:

How to explore the data in Pandas:

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_hdf('posts_all.h5','posts') # few GB of memory needed


  • docker
  • check requirements.txt for all the rest


  • Last topic in dumps: /temat/173469


  • U need to be authenticated on AWS to download the files from i008 bucket
  • Sometimes ELK-Docker might fail starting bc o host machine VM settings. Usually this will help:
sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144