Platform will consist of several contracts (ACDMToken, XXXToken, Staking, DAO, ACDMPlatform, Liquidity).
Description of ACDMToken name = ACADEM Coin symbol = ACDM decimals = 6
Description of XXXToken name = XXXCoin symbol = XXX decimals = 18
XXXToken is listed on uniswap. The initial price of the token is 0.00001 ETH.
Staking Contract
- Contract accepts LP tokens (XXX/ETH)
- Staked tokens are locked for X_days after this time they can withdraw their tokens
- If Staked Tokens are used by user to participate in voting, then cannot withdraw tokens until voting ends
- Every week, users are awarded a reward, 3% of their contribution.
- The reward can be withdrawn at any time.
- The reward is credited in XXXToken.
- X_days is only set by DAO voting.
DAO Contract
- To participate in DAO voting, a user needs to make a staking deposit.
- The voting weight depends on the staking deposit (For example: I staked 100 LP, taking part in the voting I have a weight of 100 votes).
ACDM Platform
There are 2 rounds "Trade" and "Sell", which follow each other, starting with the round of sale. Each round lasts 3 days.
Basic concepts:
- Round "Sale" - In this round, the user can buy ACDM tokens at a fixed price from the platform for ETH.
- Trade round - in this round, users can buy ACDM tokens from each other for ETH.
- Referral program - the referral program has two levels, users receive rewards in ETH.
"SALE" Round
- The price of the token grows with each round and is calculated by the formula (Round 1: 0.0000100; consecutive Rounds (Previous Round)*1.03+0.000004).
- The number of issued tokens in each Sale round is different and depends on the total trading volume in the Trade round.
- The round may end early if all tokens have been sold.
- At the end of the round, unsold tokens are burned.
"TRADE" Round
- Users place orders to sell ACDM tokens for a certain amount in ETH.
- Buyers redeems tokens for ETH.
- The order may not be fully redeemed.
- Also, the order can be canceled and the user will get his tokens back, which have not yet been sold.
- The received ETH is immediately sent to the user in their metamask wallet.
- At the end of the round, all open orders move to the next TRADE round.
Referral Program
- When registering, the user indicates his referrer (The referrer must already be registered on the platform).
- When buying ACDM tokens in the Sale round:
- Referrer_1 will receive 5% (this parameter is regulated through DAO) of its purchase,
- Referrer_2 will receive 3% (this parameter is regulated through DAO)
- The platform itself will receive 92%, in the absence of referrers, the platform receives everything.
When buying in the Trade round:
- The user who placed an order to sell ACDM tokens will receive 95% ETH
- Referrers will receive 2.5% (this parameter is regulated through DAO)
- In case of their absence, the platform takes these percentages to a special account, to which access there is only through DAO voting.
- DAO voting - users will decide to give this commission to the owner or buy XXXTokens on uniswap with these ETH and then burn them.
liquidity: 0x832E744d07f8f8aC572E449f5Bbe8FeA4fE699ae
XXXCoin: 0x4E20A1628f2a49523C20aD41fe117Aa794e4560F
Staking: 0x7806D6222d81A3FbCfe82e91Edf46dEA3F8a7e0A
ACDM Token: 0x654b7302daB0527AD4FA0dA487998Db9b0c2Ac55
DAO: 0x17a64C715aE43FDee404a94FbDD606E182E37a57
ACDM Platform: 0x7Ce39Ea8E4682E715EC9755771FFfE53D627b67A
Adding Liqudity to XXX / ETH pair on Uniswap:
Solidity, Hardhat, Typescript, Ethersjs
If you have any feedback, please reach out to me on my email or on Discord i0001#3442