Foreign languages learning record.


Foreign Language Learning

Like I said, there should be no restrictions on language learning, and interest is your best teacher. Therefore, foreign language learning requires you to be interested.

In addition, the project is also used to share my self-study experience and record the learning process.


Learning Status

Order Language Status Difficult
0 English +++++++ Easy
1 French + Easy
2 Esperanto - Easy
3 Russian + Middle
4 Mongolian - Middle
5 Sanskrit - Hard
6 Hebrew - Hard
7 Spanish + Easy
8 Japanese - Easy
9 Dutch - Middle
10 German ++ Middle

Learning Skills

  • First, you should have interest and motivation on that language what you want to learn.
  • Second, letters is important, read, write and spell them.
  • Third, learn some common words for daily use, speak it loudly.
  • Next, speak, listen, watch and over again, this is accumalation.
  • Last, if you would, fuck grammer, yeah, fuck it.
  • Finally, in action, use it.


Please check corresponding languages markdown file.
