
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Ovewview of 鍵記 (kenki)

鍵記 (kenki) is a keyboard-driven, graphical note-taking application. You can place, edit and modify graphics in a WYSIWYG but mouseless manner.

Currently, there are three versions available to the public. When you use kenki, make sure that you are using Chrome or Firefox and that your browser plugins affecting keyboard shortcuts (such as Vimium in Chrome) is disabled.


When we take notes by hand, we're less conscious in the interfaces of linear note-taking (e.g., documenting and outlining) and non-linear note-taking (e.g., mindmapping, charting, and tabulating).

On the other hand, when using computer, input interfaces are diffrent between linear note-taking and non-linear note-taking: linear note-taking is mainly dependent on the keyboard typing and non-linear on the mouse movement.

In kenki, I am trying to find an effective way to cover both linear and non-linear note-taking using a keyboard, so that we can achieve a single source of input, reducing a switch cost in note-taking.

In order to perform non-linear note-taking in a mouseless way, the primary solution has been a markdownish tool such as mermaid, UML, markmap, etc. They are already great and powerful, but I am more inclined to WISIWYG editing, rather than text-centered editing. Hence, my slogan is to develop "a keyboard-driven, graphical note-taking application".


Kenki is still in the very early stage of development. Here are the list of todos, such as

  • to add more variety of objects (charts, map nodes, tables, math formula ...),
  • to reconcile linear note-taking and non-linear note-taking in a consistent way, and
  • to make a desktop app for offline editing.

I welcome any issue reports and contributions. Thank you for your great help!


The development of kenki is funded and supported by Mitou Foundation. A presentation is given under their Demo Day event, which is accessible from: https://youtu.be/9Nmr27HwiXQ?si=k_EY9HtG8dKc1m0q. Please note that the presentation is given in Japanese.