EVA: Fair and Auditable Electric Vehicle Charging Service using Blockchain

Primary LanguageMATLABApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

EVA: Fair and Auditable Electric Vehicle Charging Service using Blockchain


A prototypic implementation of EVA as part of my Master's Thesis.

Please find the publication here: EVA: Fair and Auditable Electric Vehicle Charging Service using Blockchain

Build Instructions

To build and run the prototype, you need Node.js, Matlab (with Optimization Toolbox) and an Infura API Key (https://infura.io)

Smart Contract

  • Put your Infura API Key at <infura_api_key_here> in smart_contracts/truffle.js

  • cd into smart_contracts directory

  • npm install

  • truffle compile

  • truffle migrate --reset --network ropsten

  • Note the address where truffle deployed the contract and the ABI (in smart_contracts/build/contracts/Aggregator.json) for later


Pt. 1: Matlab

  • Start Matlab
  • Add MatlabWebSocket to Java Classpath
    • Execute command edit(fullfile(prefdir,'javaclasspath.txt'))
    • Add a new line with the path to evadmm/matlab/matlabwebsocket/matlab-websocket-1.4.jar
    • Save and restart Matlab
  • In Matlab, add the evadmm/matlab folder including all subfolders to the current Matlab path
  • Run StartEvAdmmServer.m

Pt.2 Ethereum Bridge

  • Put your Infura API Key at <infura_api_key_here> in evadmm/evadmm_ethereum_bridge.js
  • Update the variables aggregatorContractABI and aggregatorContract in evadmm/evadmm_ethereum_bridge.js according to the results from compilation & deployment
  • cd into evadmm directory
  • npm install
  • node evadmm_schedule.js


  • Update the variables aggregatorContractABI and aggregatorContract in frontend/index.js according to the results from compilation & deployment

  • cd into frontend directory

  • npm install http-server

  • http-server

  • You can access the DApp using any DApp browser (e.g. MetaMask) on http://localhost:8080 now

  • Alternative: Deploy files on any webserver



  • Put your Infura API Key at <infura_api_key_here> in evaluation/wallets.js
  • Modify evaluation/wallets.js with test wallet mnemonics to your liking
  • Open a Node.js console, import the wallets.js module and fund your test wallets using the fundWallets function

Experiment Design

  • Create a file experiment.<experiment_name>.js in evaluation`
  • Import the simulation module and override the runExperiment function with your designed experiment
  • For examples, take a look at evaluation/experiment.eva_luation.js

Running the Evaluation

  • cd into evaluation
  • npm install
  • node experiment.<experiment_name>.js -s <Number of Simulations -r <Number of Rounds per Simulation
  • The results will be collected in experiment.<experiment_name>.<timestamp>.csv