i18next-http-backend is a backend layer for i18next using in Node.js, in the browser and for Deno.
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returned value from parse breaks translation
#166 opened by osama1403 - 10
Version 2.7.0 introduced a breaking change - top-level await. Changelog says it should have been released as 3.0.0
#161 opened by Platonn - 3
{{lng}} in `loadPath` returns only 2-letter language code instead of BCP-47 code
#164 opened by billomore - 3
How to write missing translations to file?
#163 opened by pylipp - 5
backend request doesn't work
#140 opened by xian107 - 2
Problem loading new language on iOS (React Ionic)
#156 opened by daniosoriov - 1
react-i18next and i18next-http-backend - how to do a single REST API call and fetch the namespaces from that response
#141 opened by nandeshwarshubh - 5
Fails to build
#158 opened by benweier - 1
2.7.0 causes project build failure
#160 opened by hellohejinyu - 5
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Improved network error detection across browsers is slowing down cold start 6-8 times.
#154 opened by mateuszwrobel - 7
Usage in Nuxt plugin : detection of a memory leak
#150 opened by PReynaud - 11
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Have a way to handle errors
#138 opened by eMerzh - 1
cross-fetch leaks to client-side bundle
#136 opened by felixmosh - 2
Possibility to add timeout to the setup
#123 opened by simonbergstrom - 5
have fetch pluggable
#132 opened by jacobbogers - 16
Remove [cross-fetch] dependency.
#104 opened by sosoba - 3
No request is sent to load a translation file if a website url includes basic auth credentials
#128 opened by layerok - 6
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Translate the REST API content using axios
#126 opened by Namnika - 2
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Loading namespace translation loads only default language, not fallback language
#109 opened by bildungsroman - 2
Initial fetch call on vite serve mode
#124 opened by constantineMelios85 - 6
Module not found: Can't resolve 'encoding' in '.../node_modules/node-fetch/lib'
#118 opened by michalvadak - 4
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loadPath arguments in custom request function
#120 opened by mi-col - 14
Version 2.2.1 loadpath variable can't be override
#119 opened by dovagueh - 8
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Value for reloadInterval?
#116 opened by sernaferna - 7
Add language to `customHeaders` parameter
#115 opened by michalvadak - 19
Issues with using allowMultiLoading
#114 opened by bfgelectronics - 2
i18next::backendConnector: loading namespace translation for language zh failed TypeError: Failed to parse URL from /locales/zh/translation.json
#113 opened by zjy365 - 9
Client side loading randomly fails...
#98 opened by MoOx - 9
TypeScript support for tranlation files
#112 opened by liel-almog - 1
Wrong link in CHANGELOG file
#111 opened by lucapollani - 6
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Add changelog
#107 opened by miedzikd - 9
Conflicting types with `i18next-fs-backend`
#103 opened by 2Pacalypse- - 4
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Version 2.0.0 breaks reloadResources
#101 opened by medihack - 1
Fails completely with file:// URLs
#100 opened by tcobbs-bentley - 1
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Cloudflare Worker/Pages endless init
#96 opened by Dav1dde - 1