
This package helps to convert old i18next translation resources to the new i18next v4 json format.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Actions Actions deno npm version

This package helps to convert old i18next translation resources to the new i18next v4 json format. (It will only handle keys with the default pluralSeparator _)

Online version

There's also a web version you can directly use here.

Getting started

Source can be loaded via npm.

# npm package
$ npm install i18next-v4-format-converter

Usage via code:

import { transformNamespace } from 'i18next-v4-format-converter'
const transformed = transformNamespace('en', {
  someKey: 'normal',
  different: 'normal two',
  myKey: 'singular key',
  myKey_plural: 'plural key'
// {
//   someKey: 'normal',
//   different: 'normal two',
//   myKey_one: 'singular key',
//   myKey_other: 'plural key'
// }

for Deno:

import { transformNamespace } from 'https://deno.land/x/i18next_v4_format_converter/index.js'
const transformed = transformNamespace('ar', {
  someKey: 'normal',
  different: 'normal two',
  myKey_0: 'no keys',
  myKey_1: 'one key',
  myKey_2: 'two keys',
  myKey_3: 'few {{count}} keys',
  myKey_4: 'many {{count}} keys',
  myKey_5: 'other {{count}} keys'
// {
//   someKey: 'normal',
//   different: 'normal two',
//   myKey_zero: 'no keys',
//   myKey_one: 'one key',
//   myKey_two: 'two keys',
//   myKey_few: 'few {{count}} keys',
//   myKey_many: 'many {{count}} keys',
//   myKey_other: 'other {{count}} keys'
// }

Usage via CLI:

# use it with npx
npx i18next-v4-format-converter -i /Users/user/my/input -o /Users/user/my/output

# or install it globally
npm install i18next-v4-format-converter -g

# -i is the input path
# -o is the output path
# if the output path is not provided the, it will save the result in the input path (replaces existing files)

i18next-v4-format-converter -i /Users/user/my/input -o /Users/user/my/output
# i18next-v4-format-converter /Users/user/my/input -o /Users/user/my/output
# i18next-v4-format-converter -o /Users/user/my/output
# i18next-v4-format-converter -i /Users/user/my/input
# i18next-v4-format-converter

Make sure your folder structure looks like this:

└── language
   └── namespace.json


├── en
│  ├── translation.json
│  └── common.json
└── de
   ├── translation.json
   └── common.json

Gold Sponsors

From the creators of i18next: localization as a service - locize.com

A translation management system built around the i18next ecosystem - locize.com.


With using locize you directly support the future of i18next.