Next.js 13/14 app directory feature in combination with i18next
- 6
resourcesToBackend calls twice, and the second time re-write correct language
#38 opened by Kucerenko171 - 2
outside of react component does not work ?
#36 opened by xian107 - 3
- 3
Custom error page
#34 opened by JosueHernandezR - 7
- 2
Use Translations from multiple sources at once
#33 opened by creib - 2
Language Change Issue Causing Rendering Errors
#30 opened by gmixoulis - 1
When will Next14 support be available?
#31 opened by Gregory-Han - 10
Hydration error
#7 opened by njarraud - 2
Next 13 server actions not working
#29 opened by ravinggenius - 10
[Middleware] Cookie issue
#28 opened by gustaveWPM - 3
With not-found.tsx
#6 opened by rocerchen - 1
Middleware bucle?
#27 opened by demonpo - 2
- 10
- 1
Do we still need middleware.js ?
#26 opened by Abacaxi-Nelson - 1
Typescript version
#25 opened by saashqdev - 6
Async useTranslation hook doesn't pass linting
#22 opened by mickael-h - 3
- 7
getStaticProps & serverSideTranslations
#21 opened by rakibul-wdp - 1
useTranslation for client issue
#20 opened by makabyla - 2
client.js - does not work as expected
#19 opened by makabyla - 2
Error: Text content did not match
#18 opened by yura-brd - 22
Cannot update a component (`Footer`) while rendering a different component (`Page`) (Update: Minified React error #425/418;)
#9 opened by dejurin - 1
Typescript error "Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite."
#16 opened by mrchristophy - 4
Example using the dynamic metadata generation
#13 opened by phev8 - 1
Usage with typescript
#14 opened by phev8 - 3
Using with Jest / React Testing Library?
#11 opened by jamdav16 - 2
- 2
Only effective for pages that use "use client" and otherwise do not show the language.
#8 opened by tuemaytinh1981 - 5
Change dir and lang=""
#1 opened by sudo-sand