
Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


A Dart wrapper for tdlib. Contains generated schema classes of td_api.tl and a client that interacts with lib through ffi.

Version tdlib commit td_api.tl revision
1.8.21 last commit 404761c
1.8.19 1a00bae 986f1ab
1.8.18 532fae5 daf4801
1.8.15 3f91948 8893dc8
1.8.14 90171aa 4041ecb
1.8.13 d5ed66a c95598e
1.8.11 1b99276 1543c41
1.8.9 5b8706c 6cbe182
1.8.8 f069453 bbe37ee
1.8.7 60c2975 92f8093
1.8.4 324fa2b d489014
1.8.0 781d969 c0385078
1.7.9 2dec79f 8d7bda00
1.7.3 2a29b25 -

Table of Contents

Integration example

As an example of use, you can see the project telegram-flutter.


import 'package:tdlib/td_client.dart';
import 'package:tdlib/td_api.dart' as td;

Future<void> main() async {
  final Client client = Client.create();

  client.updates.listen((td.TdObject event) async {
    print('update: ${event.toJson()}');
  await client.initialize();

  td.Ok result = client.execute<td.Ok>(td.SetLogVerbosityLevel(newVerbosityLevel: 0));
  print('execute result: ${result.toJson()}');

  td.Updates sendResult = await client.send<td.Updates>(td.GetCurrentState());
  print('send result: ${sendResult.toJson()}');

Getting started with flutter example

  1. Obtain api_id and api_hash at https://my.telegram.org
  2. Build tdlib for your operating system following the instruction or download prebuild binaries. Following the instraction below for setup tdlib.
  3. Open example/lib/main.dart and place obtained api_id and api_hash to appropriate methods getApiId and getApiHash.
  4. Specify phone number and code in getPhoneNumber and getCode methods. Attention, the phone number must be specified from the test DC. If you don't want to use the test DC and want to authenticate with your account, change useTestDc to false in TdlibParameters.
  5. cd <repo folder>/example
  6. flutter run

Prebuilt binaries

The tdlib binaries is built automatically using github actions and published on the releases page. Follow the instructions below for each platform to configure flutter project to use tdlib


Copy .so files from archive to example/android/app/main/jniLibs:

└── example 
    └── android 
        └── app 
            └── main 
                └── jniLibs 
                    └── arm64-v8a
                    │   └── libtdjsonandroid.so
                    └── armeabi-v7a
                    │   └── libtdjsonandroid.so
                    └── x86
                    │   └── libtdjsonandroid.so
                    └── x86_64
                        └── libtdjsonandroid.so
  1. Open file example/android/app/build.gradle


sourceSets {
  main.java.srcDirs += 'src/main/kotlin'


sourceSets {
  main {
    java.srcDirs += 'src/main/kotlin'
    jniLibs.srcDirs = ['src/main/jniLibs']

iOS and macOS

  1. Copy libtdjson.dylib from archive to example/ios
  2. Copy libtdjson.dylib from archive to example/macos
└── example 
    └── ios 
    │   └── libtdjson.dylib
    └── macos
        └── libtdjson.dylib
  1. Open Runner.xcworkspace in Xcode.
  2. Add .dylib file to project.
  3. Find Frameworks, Libraries, and EmbeddedContent.
  4. Against libtdjson.dylib choose Embed & Sign.
  5. Find Signing & Capabilities.
  6. In Section App Sandbox (Debug and Profile) set true Outgoing Connections (Client).


  1. Copy files from archive to example/windows/tdlib
└── example 
    └── windows 
        └── tdlib 
            └── libcrypto-1_1.dll
            └── libssl-1_1.dll
            └── tdjson.dll
            └── zlib1.dll
  1. Open example/windows/CMakeLists.txt.
# begin td
set(dll_path "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tdlib")
install(FILES "${dll_path}/libcrypto-1_1.dll" DESTINATION "${INSTALL_BUNDLE_LIB_DIR}" COMPONENT Runtime)
install(FILES "${dll_path}/libssl-1_1.dll" DESTINATION "${INSTALL_BUNDLE_LIB_DIR}" COMPONENT Runtime)
install(FILES "${dll_path}/tdjson.dll" DESTINATION "${INSTALL_BUNDLE_LIB_DIR}" COMPONENT Runtime)
install(FILES "${dll_path}/zlib1.dll" DESTINATION "${INSTALL_BUNDLE_LIB_DIR}" COMPONENT Runtime)
# end td


  1. Copy file from archive to example/linux/tdlib
└── example 
    └── linux 
        └── tdlib 
            └── libtdjson.so
  1. Open example/linux/CMakeLists.txt.
  2. Add at the end of file:
# begin td
    COMPONENT Runtime)
# end td
