React Two Way Querybuilder

A simple react component that lets you build queries dynamically on UI. Doesn't depend on any 3-d party libraries.



npm i react-two-way-querybuilder --save


Two way query builder is flexible and configurable component with a set of possible options.

Simple usage:

    import React, { Component } from 'react';
    import TwoWayQuerybuilder from 'react-two-way-querybuilder';

    const fields = [
      { name: 'firstName', operators: 'all', label: 'First Name', input: { type: 'text' } },
      { name: 'lastName', operators: 'all', label: 'Last Name', input: { type: 'text' } },
      { name: 'age', operators: 'all', label: 'Age', input: { type: 'text' } },
      { name: 'birthDate', operators: 'all', label: 'Birth date', input: { type: 'text' } },

    class App extends Component {

        handleChange(event) {
          console.log('query', event.query);

        render() {
            return (
                 <TwoWayQuerybuilder fields={fields} onChange={this.handleChange} />

    export default App;


  • fields: your fields used to build a query

    • name: name of the field that would be used in a query
    • label: how your field name would be shown in the dropdown
    • operators: remove this property or set to 'all' if you want to use all operators for this field, else you can limit them by passing the array of the allowed operators ['=', '<', '>']
    • input: type of the input, possible options are: text, textarea, select. If you are using select input type pass options to the object in the following way: input: {type: 'select', options: [{value: '1', name: 'one'}, {value: '2', name: 'two'}]}. Also, it supports validation by passing pattern property with regexp pattern and errorText property for validation error message text.
  • onChange: pass here your function that will be called when data was changed

  • config: configuration object with possible options:

    • query: pass here prepared query, so UI will be built using it.
    • operators: array of operators, the default one is:
        { operator: '=', label: '=' },
        { operator: '<>', label: '<>' },
        { operator: '<', label: '<' },
        { operator: '>', label: '>' },
        { operator: '>=', label: '>=' },
        { operator: '<=', label: '<=' },
        { operator: 'IS NULL', label: 'Null' },
        { operator: 'IS NOT NULL', label: 'Not Null' },
        { operator: 'IN', label: 'In' },
        { operator: 'NOT IN', label: 'Not In' },
    • combinators: array of combinators, the default one is:
        { combinator: 'AND', label: 'And' },
        { combinator: 'OR', label: 'Or' },
        { combinator: 'NOT', label: 'Not' },
    • style: use this object to redefine styles. Properties:
      • primaryBtn: used for primary button styles,
      • deleteBtn: delete button styles,
      • rule: rule styles,
      • condition: condition styles,
      • select: select styles,
      • input: input styles,
      • txtArea: text area styles :D
      • error: error message styling
  • buttonsText: text of the buttons, you can redefine it for multilanguage support or because you just want. By default used following text:

    • addRule: 'Add rule',
    • addGroup: 'Add group',
    • clear: 'Clear',
    • delete: 'Delete'


Visit DEMO storybook to take a look at basic usage cases:

  • existing query:

      import React, { Component } from 'react';
      import TwoWayQuerybuilder from 'react-two-way-querybuilder';;
      const fields = [
        { name: 'firstName', operators: 'all', label: 'First Name', input: { type: 'text' } },
        { name: 'lastName', operators: 'all', label: 'Last Name', input: { type: 'text' } },
        { name: 'age', operators: 'all', label: 'Age', input: { type: 'text' } },
        { name: 'birthDate', operators: 'all', label: 'Birth date', input: { type: 'text' } },
      const config = {
        query: "((firstname='Jack' AND lastName='London') OR lastName='Smith')",
      class App extends Component {
          handleChange(event) {
            console.log('query', event.query);
          render() {
              return (
                   <TwoWayQuerybuilder config={config} fields={fields} onChange={this.handleChange} />
      export default App;
  • changed input types:

      import React, { Component } from 'react';
      import TwoWayQuerybuilder from 'react-two-way-querybuilder';;
      const changedFields = [
        { name: 'firstName', operators: 'all', label: 'First Name', input: { type: 'text' } },
        { name: 'lastName', operators: 'all', label: 'Last Name', input: {
          type: 'select',
          options: [
            { value: 'Smith', name: 'Smith' },
            { value: 'London', name: 'London' },
          ] } },
        { name: 'age', operators: 'all', label: 'Age',
          input: {
          type: 'select',
          options: [
            { value: '28', name: 'twenty eight' },
            { value: '30', name: 'thirty' },
          ] } },
        { name: 'birthDate', operators: 'all', label: 'Birth date', input: { type: 'text' } },
      class App extends Component {
          handleChange(event) {
            console.log('query', event.query);
          render() {
              return (
                   <TwoWayQuerybuilder config={config} fields={changedFields} onChange={this.handleChange} />
      export default App;
  • custom styles

      import React, { Component } from 'react';
      import TwoWayQuerybuilder from 'react-two-way-querybuilder';;
      const fields = [
        { name: 'firstName', operators: 'all', label: 'First Name', input: { type: 'text' } },
        { name: 'lastName', operators: 'all', label: 'Last Name', input: { type: 'text' } },
        { name: 'age', operators: 'all', label: 'Age', input: { type: 'text' } },
        { name: 'birthDate', operators: 'all', label: 'Birth date', input: { type: 'text' } },
      const styles = {
        primaryBtn: 'customPrimaryBtn',
        deleteBtn: 'customDeleteBtn',
        rule: 'rule',
        condition: 'condition',
        select: 'querySelect',
        input: 'queryInput',
        txtArea: 'queryText',
      const changedStyles = {
      class App extends Component {
          handleChange(event) {
            console.log('query', event.query);
          render() {
              return (
                   <TwoWayQuerybuilder config={changedStyles} fields={fields} onChange={this.handleChange} />
      export default App;
  • validation

      import React, { Component } from 'react';
      import TwoWayQuerybuilder from 'react-two-way-querybuilder';;
      const validationFields = [
        { name: 'firstName', operators: 'all', label: 'First Name', input: { 
          type: 'text', errorText: 'Only letters allowed', pattern: new RegExp("[a-z]+", "gi") } },
        { name: 'lastName', operators: 'all', label: 'Last Name', input: {
          type: 'text', errorText: 'Only letters allowed', pattern: new RegExp("[a-z]+", "gi") } },
        { name: 'age', operators: 'all', label: 'Age', input: {
          type: 'text', errorText: 'Only nubmers allowed', pattern: new RegExp('[0-9]+', 'gi') } },
        { name: 'birthDate', operators: 'all', label: 'Birth date', input: { 
          type: 'text', errorText: 'Only nubmers allowed', pattern: new RegExp('[0-9]+', 'gi') }


class App extends Component {

    handleChange(event) {
      console.log('query', event.query);

    render() {
        return (
             <TwoWayQuerybuilder fields={validationFields} onChange={this.handleChange} />

export default App;


React-two-way-quierybuidler is MIT licensed