
Search/browse interface and APIs for the Open Reaction Database

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Web interface and api for the Open Reaction Database


  • /app - Contains the Vue single page application
    • /public - Static SPA assets such as index.html
    • /src - Vue source code that gets compiled
      • /assets - Images and other static assets
      • /components - Reusable Vue components that can be included elsewhere
      • /router - Routing files
      • /styles - Static .sass files that can be reused throughout the project
      • /utils - Static helper .js files
      • /views - Routed Vue components, aka "pages"
        • /browse - Main browse page of the different reaction sets
        • /reaction-view - Display of a single reaction from search results
        • /search - Search interface and results
  • /ord_interface - Contains the Flask app API and legacy interface
    • /client - endpoints for the browse and search functionality
    • /editor - endpoints for the reaction submission functionality
    • /visualization - helper functions for reaction and molecule visuals

Key Caveats / Constraints

  • The Vue front end is dependant on the FastAPI server. Both must be running for the frontend to work.
  • The test database must be running on port 5432.
  • You will need to download the Ketcher interface and extract into appropriate folder (see instructions below) for parts of the interface to work.

How to Deploy



1. Download and install

git clone git@github.com:open-reaction-database/ord-interface.git
cd ord-interface
# If you are running on Apple silicon, use `conda install postgresql` instead.
conda install -c rdkit rdkit-postgresql
pip install -e '.[tests]'

2. Set up and run the API

Option 1: Docker

cd ord_interface
# If you are running on Apple silicon, append `--build-arg="ARCH=aarch_64"` to the next command.
docker build --file Dockerfile -t openreactiondatabase/ord-interface ..
docker compose up

Option 2: Local

cd ord_interface/api
ORD_INTERFACE_TESTING=TRUE fastapi dev main.py --port=5000

3. Set up and run the Vue SPA

  • Download Ketcher (Here's a direct link to the .zip file) and extract the files into ./app/src/ketcher

  • In a new terminal window:

    cd ./app
    # install node packages
    npm i 
    # run vue spa locally
    npm run serve
  • Open localhost:8080 to view the Vue ORD interface in your browser.

  • The page will reload when you make changes.

  • You may also see any lint errors in the console.