create indexed forward graph
auto graph = IndexedForwardGraph::Create(&arena_, body);
- topologic visit
def visit(op): for arg in op.args: if visited(arg): continue visit(arg) visit(root)
- update node and it's outputs and edge pattern
void Update(const Expr& node, IndexedForwardGraph::Node* parent, OpPatternKind pattern);
- push current node into postorder queue.
void AddNode(const tvm::Object* key)
- topologic visit
- init group
union find group - build dominator tree
build dominatorTree Node:
static OpPatternKind CombinePattern(OpPatternKind lhs, OpPatternKind rhs) { if (lhs > rhs) return lhs; return rhs; } for node in reverse(postorder): node.parent = LeastCommonAncestor(node.outputs)
Node* GetNode(support::Arena* arena, IndexedForwardGraph::Node* gnode) // @param input_nodes current node's outputs // @param edge_pattern dominator node's OpPattern Node* LeastCommonAncestor(const LinkedList<IndexedForwardGraph::Edge>& input_nodes, OpPatternKind* edge_pattern)
- RunFusion
- phase 0
// group_node is current visiting node in postorder queue. // dom_node OpPattern is a pttern of all of path which between current node and it's idom node. // group_node->pattern == kOutEWiseFusable && dom_node->pattern == kElemWise
- phase 1
- phase 2
// Fuse injective ops into intermediate tuples, if any
- init group