a two files helper im using from more than 10 years, in all my project.
Contain usefull templated things for c++ like vec2, vec3, vec4, variant, actionTime and more.
need a bit of refactoring btw :)
use the namespace ct
Class's in cTools :
- ct::cCyclicArray => circular list
- ct::cActionTime => define when to do action according to time of last event
- ct::cTexture => opengl texture simple container
- ct::cColor => color class for conversion
- ct::vec2 => vec2 class for quick operation / math x,y
- ct::mat2 => mat2 class for matrix 2x2
- ct::vec3 => vec3 class for quick operation / math x,y,z
- ct::vec4 => vec4 class for quick operation / math x,y,z,z
- ct::rect => rect class for quick operation / math x,y,w,h
- ct::AABB => AABB 2D
- ct::variant => variant class for quikc conversion between many type and string
and other string conversion / extraction etc..
Method's in Logger :
Log method for check/write in auto in a log file
- LogStr(n)
- LogValue(s, n)
- LogGlError()
- LogGlErrorVar(var)
- LogAssert(a,b)