
a pier script management configuration for cyphernode operators


a pier script management configuration for cyphernode operators

Installing pier

If you dont have rust

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh

Feels sketchy?

Get it from https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install if you dont trust me :)

After installing cargo:

cargo install pier

Setting up a pier for cyphernode

Finally, copy the pier.toml file into the root directory of your cyphernode installation.

Note: Pier commands only work from the folder containing the pier.toml file.

Using pier

To see all available commands:

pier list

To see all available commands with tag filters:

# only want proxy related commands
pier list -f proxy

# only want bitcoin related commands
pier list -f bitcoin

To run a command

# Format: pier <command> <args>
# check version
pier version
# log bitcoin daemon
pier log bitcoin

Adding your own pier commands

using the version command as an example:


head -10 build.sh | grep CYPHERNODE | grep -oP '".*"' 
exit 0;
description = "print cyphernode version"
tags = ['cn']


These scripts are only tested on linux.

Do open issues if they do not work on MacOS.