
Primary LanguagePython


Plays the game of Secret Santa with a fun twist. You must supply this with a comma delimited file containing the gift recipient and gift givers. An example file is included for you.

$ python3 HackerSanta.py -h

     ____  ____  ___  ____  ____  ____
    / ___)(  __)/ __)(  _ \(  __)(_  _)
    \___ \ ) _)( (__  )   / ) _)   )(
    (____/(____)\___)(__\_)(____) (__)
     ____   __   __ _  ____  __
    / ___) / _\ (  ( \(_  _)/ _\
    \___ \/    \/    /  )( /    \
    (____/\_/\_/\_)__) (__)\_/\_/

    Version 0.0.1 Elfa Ho Ho Ho
    AI, Machine Learned, Neural Network
    Enhanced Mega Code
    Author: Joff Thyer Copyright (c) 2020

usage: HackerSanta.py [-h] filename

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
 -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

- Joff Thyer (c) 2020

alt text