
This is a lightweight javascript syntax highlighter, with under 150 lines of code! This makes it really easy to highlight javascript syntax without installing a big library. Also, you can look at the code for inspiration for your own syntax highlighting program!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lightweight Javascript Syntax Highlighter

This is a lightweight javascript syntax highlighter, with under 150 lines of code! This makes it really easy to highlight javascript syntax without installing a big library. Also, you can look at the code for inspiration for your own syntax highlighting program!

How to add

Adding Lightweight Javascript Syntax Highlighter is really easy! Just include

<script src="http://kiraprograms.com/syntaxHighlighter.js"></script>

Or, if you want to download the code

<script src="file-path to the code"></script>

This makes any <code> block highlighted to JavaScript.

This is an example:
  function myFunction(param,otherParam){
    return param*otherParam;
  document.getElementById("myButton").onclick = function(){
And also another one
  //hello world
  alert("hello world");

The Code

The code for this is really simple and short, so I will just include it here!

Lightweight JavaScript Syntax Highlighter
By: Kira L

You can do whatever you want with the code; I don't need recognition if you include it in a project. You can copy parts of the code or change the code for your own projects however you would like!
All of the script is in this one file.

var toR;

//creates a CSS element with all of the colors
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = `.pink{
	color: #FF237A;
	display: inline-block;
	color: #AE60F6;
	display: inline-block;
	color: #6DC5FB;
	display: inline-block;
	font-style: italic;
	color: #6DC5FB;
	display: inline-block;
	color: #A6E06C;
	display: inline-block;
	color: #F3E688;
	display: inline-block;
	color: #B0B0B0;
	display: inline-block;
	font-size: 14px;
	color: white;
	background: #363838;

/*don't change this stuff*/
	margin: 0;
	padding: 5px;
	display: block;

function highlightAll(){
	var allCodes = document.getElementsByTagName("code");
	for (var i = 0; i < allCodes.length; i++) {
		allCodes[i].className = "code";
		allCodes[i].innerHTML = highlight(allCodes[i].innerHTML);

window.onload = highlightAll; //disable this line if you don't want the code highlighted in the beginning

function highlight(toH){
	//if you want to change colors, change the CSS in the string at the top
	toR = toH;
	toR = replSymb(toR);
	toR = replace(toR, "\n", "</div><div>");

	functions(); //highlight all of the functions
	colorW(["&equals;","+","-","*","|","^","%","$","&lt","&gt","&amp"],"pink"); //makes all operators pink
	colorW(["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","#"], "purple"); //makes all numbers purple
	colorW(["if","else","return","while","for"],"pink"); //makes all loops pink
	colorW(["function","var","document","console"], "blueItal"); //makes all special words italicized and blue
	quotes(); //colors all strings yellow
	comments(); //colors all comments grey

	toR = replace(toR, "  ", "&nbsp&nbsp");
	return toR;

function replace(toConv, dontWant, doWant){
	var tempList = toConv.split(dontWant);
	return tempList.join(doWant);
function replSymb(st){
	var toR = st;
	toR = replace(toR, `&`,"&amp");//replace the symbols to avoid confusion with HTML
	toR = replace(toR, `=`,"&equals;");
	toR = replace(toR, `"`,"&quot");
	toR = replace(toR, `<`,"&lt");
	toR = replace(toR, `>`,"&gt");
	return toR;

function colorW(words, color){ //color a word
	for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
		toR = toR.split(words[i]);
		toR = toR.join("<div class='"+color+"'>"+words[i]+"</div>"); //wraps the word in a colored div
function quotes(){
	//this splits the text into a list separated by the "s. It takes every odd element of the list except the last (the 1, 3, 5, ...) and colors it yellow (a string)
	toR = toR.split("&quot");
	for (var i = 1; i < toR.length; i+=2) {
		toR[i] = "<div class='yellow'>&quot"+toR[i]+"&quot</div>";
	toR = toR.join("");
function comments(){
	//splits it up by lines. Then colors and commented part grey.
	toR = toR.split("</div><div>");
	for (var i = 0; i < toR.length; i++) {
		if(toR[i].split("//").length > 1){ //comments are grey
			toR[i] = toR[i].split("//")[0] +"<div class='grey'>//"+ toR[i].split("//")[1] + "</div>";
	toR = toR.join("</div><div>");
function functions(){
	toR = toR.split("(");
	for (var i = 0; i < toR.length-1; i++) {
		var lastWord = toR[i];
		lastWord = lastWord.split(" ")[lastWord.split(" ").length-1];
		lastWord = lastWord.split("</div>")[lastWord.split("</div>").length-1]; //line break
		lastWord = lastWord.split(".")[lastWord.split(".").length-1]; //this is the last word before the (

		var secondLast = toR[i].slice(0,-lastWord.length-1);
		secondLast = secondLast.split(" ")[secondLast.split(" ").length-1];
		secondLast = secondLast.split("</div>")[secondLast.split("</div>").length-1]; //line break
		secondLast = secondLast.split(".")[secondLast.split(".").length-1]; //this is the 2nd to last word before the (
		if(secondLast == "function"){ //if the previous word is "function", you are defining a function so color it green
			toR[i] = toR[i].slice(0,toR[i].length-lastWord.length) + "<div class='green'>"+lastWord+"</div>";
			toR[i] = toR[i].slice(0,toR[i].length-lastWord.length) + "<div class='blue'>"+lastWord+"</div>";
	toR = toR.join("(");