CLI App using Spring Shell and OpenAI's Translate text API

This is a CLI that lets you to translate text to either German, French or English. It was written in Java using

  • Spring Boot 3
  • Spring Shell
  • GraalVM
  • Maven
  • Java 17


You need to sign up for an OpenAI account and create an API key. Refer to the OpenAI documentation for setting up an account and retrieving the API key: Once you have your API key, update the file with the API key.

GraalVM (optional)

I have included GraalVM as a dependency in the pom.xml to build a native image. If you want to create a native image, run ./mvnw -Pnative native:compile -DskipTests=true. The native image will be created in the /target folder along with the jar. You will need to install GraalVM on your machine and update JAVA_HOME environment variable before you run this.