
Ruby integration

Primary LanguageRuby


A Ruby wrapper for the iATS SOAP API.

iATS Web Services provides the facility to securely process payments using credit cards, ACH, or direct debit through your website or software.

iATS Web Services overview


  • An account with iATS Payments
  • NB! If you are already an iATS customer, please contact us to verify your Account settings
    • The Ruby wrapper requires certain features to be set up to your existing account
    • Please contact us with your Client Code


Execute below commands in command prompt or Terminal for installing GEM -

$ gem install soap4r

Once soap4r gem installed successfully. Execute the below commands.

$ gem install mumboe-soap4r

While we are installing above gem it will prompt for below actions.

mumboe-soap4r's executable "wsdl2ruby.rb" conflicts with soap4r

Overwrite the executable? [yN]

Press y and hit enter.

mumboe-soap4r's executable "xsd2ruby.rb" conflicts with soap4r

Overwrite the executable? [yN]

Press y and hit enter.

$ git clone https://github.com/iATSPayments/Ruby.git

$ cd Ruby/Gem/

$ gem install iats_payments-0.0.1.gem



The CustomerLink service is used to create and update customer records. CustomerLink may be used with the ProcessLink service to process single or recurring transactions for customers.

iATS documentation


The ProcessLink service is used to process single, recurring and bulk transactions for customers. ProcessLink can also be used to refund transactions.

iATS documentation


The ReportLink service is used to generate transaction reports for the other services. Available reports include credit / debit card transactions, rejected transactions and returns.

iATS documentation


Use Case 1 - ProcessLink - Transaction using a Credit Card

  1. Create a Ruby file with name ProcessClient.rb.

  2. Associate your gem with ProcessClient by

require 'iats_payments'
  1. Create an instance for ProcessLinkService as follows

For NA region, create ProcessLinkService instance as shown below.

service = ProcessLinkService.new(nil)
service = ProcessLinkService.new("https://www.iatspayments.com/NetGate/ProcessLink.asmx");                        

For UK region, create ProcessLinkService instance with UK region's endpoint as shown below.

service = ProcessLinkService.new("https://www.uk.iatspayments.com/NetGate/ProcessLink.asmx");
  1. Create ProcessCreditCardV1 object and set with customer and card details
    processCard = ProcessCreditCardV1.new
    processCard.agentCode = "TEST88"
	processCard.password = "TEST88"
	processCard.creditCardNum = "4222222222222220"
	processCard.creditCardExpiry = "05/15"
	processCard.cvv2 = "123"
	processCard.mop = "VISA"
	processCard.firstName = "John"
	processCard.lastName = "Smith"
	processCard.address = "West Georgia St"
	processCard.city = "BC"
	processCard.state = "AP"
	processCard.zipCode = "1312"
	processCard.total = "3"
	processCard.comment = "Test"
  1. Invoke the service and capture the response as follows
    response = service.processCreditCard(processCard)
  1. Verify response
    puts response.PROCESSRESULT.TRANSACTIONID, "Generated Transaction Id"

Note: If you get any error like "XML processor module not found". Then follow the below steps.

  1. Open the xmlparser.rb file.

  2. Search for the word c.downcase in the above file and replace c.to_s.downcase

  3. Try running iats client ruby file again.