Abidjan Housing Dataset


Kinda equivalent to the California Housing dataset (you can find it on scikit-learn). This dataset is resulting from data scraped from the popular listing website Jumia Deals.

Getting started

Prerequisite: Python 3 and Poetry.

# Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/marcaureln/abidjan-housing-dataset.git
# Install dependencies:
poetry install
# Activate the virtual environment:
poetry shell

To leave the virtual environment, run exit.

Run spiders

# Move to Scrapy project folder:
cd ./scraper
# Copy the example configuration file:
cp scraper.toml.example scraper.toml
# Edit the configuration file with your favorite editor (e.g. vim):
vim scraper.toml
# Gather posts links
scrapy crawl links
# Gather posts details 
scrapy crawl posts