
Task runner for Deno

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Run tasks in Deno. Supports serial and parallel execution.



$ deno install -A devo https://denopkg.com/iamnathanj/devo@v1.7.0/cli.ts


$ devo [taskname]

If no task name is provided, devo will look for a task named default. (see below)


Creating Tasks

Create a task file in the root of your project called devo.ts.

// devo.ts
import { task, parallel, series } from "https://denopkg.com/iamnathanj/devo@v1.7.0/mod.ts";

const JS = "rollup -c";
const CSS = "sass src/styles:dist/css --watch";
const SERVER = "deno --allow-net server.ts";

task("rollup", JS);
task("scss", CSS);
task("server", SERVER);

parallel("dev", ["server", "rollup", "scss"]);

series("default", ["dev"]);

Composing Tasks

Tasks are composable in series or parallel. These methods are also composable with each other. This means you can build complex process chains.

import { task, parallel, series } from "https://denopkg.com/iamnathanj/devo@v1.7.0/mod.ts";

task("task1", "echo 1");
task("task2", "echo 2");
task("task3", "echo 3");

parallel("parallel-task1", ["task1", "task2", "task3"]);
parallel("parallel-task2", ["task1", "task2", "task3"]);

series("composed-task", ["parallel-task1", "parallel-task2"]);

Tasks can be referenced by string name (as shown above), but can also be written inline.

series("composed", [
  parallel("parallel-task1", [
    task("task1", "echo 1"),
    task("task2", "echo 2")

  task("delay", "sleep 3"),

  parallel("parallel-task2", [
    task("task3", "echo 3"),
    task("task4", "echo 4")


Devo currently supports watching on tasks only. Simply call task(...).watch() to recursively watch Deno.cwd() for changes to .ts, .tsx, and .js files. Or, you can set explicit WatchOptions.

task("server", SERVER).watch({
  batch: true,
  root: `${Deno.cwd()}/src`,
  walkOptions: {
    exts: [".ts", ".tsx", ".js", "jsx", "json"]

Deno (and node) Executables

Just like npm scripts, devo will augment your PATH to run executables. You can use devo install to install executables locally to <project>/.deno/bin. This way, you can invoke them from tasks without a global install.

$ devo install foo <https://module.url/foo.ts> [permissions]
// devo.ts
import { task } from "https://denopkg.com/iamnathanj/devo@v1.7.0/mod.ts";

task("run-foo", "foo");

Similarly, devo will add <project>/node_modules/.bin to your path if you want to run a node based task.

$ npm i -D @babel/core @babel/cli
// devo.ts
import { task } from "https://denopkg.com/iamnathanj/devo@v1.7.0/mod.ts";

task("js", "babel src -d dist");

Manually Running Tasks

If you install the devo executable, then it will take care of running tasks from your devo.ts file. If you prefer, you can call .run on any of the devo exports. This means you can use any file name you want or create your own runner.

task("task1", "echo 1");
task("task2", "echo 2");
task("task3", "echo 3");
task("sleep", "sleep 3");

// you can call run on `task`, `series`, or `parallel`
await parallel("parallel-task", ["task1", "task2", "task3"]).run();

// or assign it to a variable and run it later
const composed = series("composed-task", [

await composed.run();