Tesla charge state monitoring

Have you ever forgot to put your Tesla on charger, and woke up to a barely charged vehicle? If you did, here is a solution for all of your problems! Well, for one of your problems. This is a simple script to monitor your car charging state, based on the location and time schedule.


  • Different time schedules for different locations
  • An option for waking up (or not waking up) vehicle in specific timeframes
  • Twilio notifications for alerts

How to configure the monitoring

  1. Create the config file, by copying the provided example:
cp tesla-monitoring.conf.json.example tesla-monitoring.conf.json
  1. Get the Tesla API token. Simply run get-tesla-token.py, and paste the output into token section of the config file

  2. Adjust the schedule and location (hopefully, your home and/or workplace)

  3. Fill in your Twilio account details in the alerting section. If you do not have a Twilio account, go create one. It is free, and it allows you to send yourself SMS.

  4. Schedule the script to run via crontab. I set it to run every 30 minutes, so I can use the schedule config to flexibly change the timeframes. I recommend running this on some always-on home server (NAS, RaspberyPI, OpenWRT router, etc). The device needs to be able to run python, obviously.

  5. Enjoy.