
This package is a POO-oriented and procedural API PHP wrapper. With MagicApiPhpWrapper, you can easily obtain data from online API. The package includes a built-in caching system.

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This package is a POO-oriented AND procedural API PHP wrapper. With MagicApiPhpWrapper, you can easily obtain data from online API. The package includes a built-in caching system.


Require this package with composer:

composer require iarcadia/magic-api-php-wrapper

POO-oriented usage


// "MAPW" stands for "Magic API PHP Wrapper"... of course!

// First, create your MAPW object with your configuration.
$api = new MAPW(
    'api.base_url' => 'https://www.your-awesome-url.com/api/',
    'api.key' => 'YourAwesomeApiKeyIfNeeded',
    'cache.use' => false,
    // ...

// Second, get your data!
// Here, data will be from "https://www.your-awesome-url.com/api/countries":
$data = $api->get('countries');
// Here, data will be from "https://www.your-awesome-url.com/api/countries?from=Asia":
$data = $api->get('countries', ['from' => 'Asia']);
// Here, data will be from "https://www.your-awesome-url.com/api/cities?from=Spain&from=Italia":
$data = $api->get('https://www.your-awesome-url.com/api/cities?from=Spain&from=Italia');

Don't forget to include files or to use classes. (e.g. use iArcadia\MagicApiPhpWrapper\MAPW)

Procedural usage


// First, initialize the MAPW object with your configuration.
// In background, it will create a global variable with the newly created object : $GLOBALS['MAPW_INSTANCE'] = new MAPW(...)
    'api.base_url' => 'https://www.your-awesome-url.com/api/',
    'api.key' => 'YourAwesomeApiKeyIfNeeded',
    'cache.use' => false,
    // ...

// Second, get your data!
// Here, data will be from "https://www.your-awesome-url.com/api/countries":
$data = mapw_get('countries');
// Here, data will be from "https://www.your-awesome-url.com/api/countries?from=Asia":
$data = mapw_get('countries', ['from' => 'Asia']);
// Here, data will be from "https://www.your-awesome-url.com/api/cities?from=Spain&from=Italia":
$data = mapw_get('https://www.your-awesome-url.com/api/cities?from=Spain&from=Italia');

Don't forget to include files.