This project implements a real-time image and video object detection classifier using pretrained yolov3 models.
- 31
-212:Parsing error
#8 opened by yayaoking - 0
I not defined
#21 opened by whitestorm007 - 3
When I run the video command nothing happen?
#7 opened by aalzooke - 2
- 0
Running on GPU
#19 opened by realtechspecs - 2
- 1
import cv2 as cv, cv2 cannot be found
#16 opened by MELXX - 2
readNetFromDarknet Parsing error
#14 opened by jisohyun1224 - 0
-212 Parsing error at Windows10
#18 opened by skykongkong8 - 1
Train on our custom dataset
#12 opened by KaggleAlbertaAI - 0
When calling, you can add a `-l /path/to/labels` flag to specify the path in which the labels are stored.
#17 opened by qusaionali - 0
not working on image
#15 opened by itsunofficial - 1
error: (-215:Assertion failed) blobs.size() != 0 in function 'getMemoryShapes'
#9 opened by joeljosephjin - 0
- 3
Traceback (most recent call last): File "yolo.py", line 157, in <module> height, width = frame.shape[:2] AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape'
#11 opened by irvanseptiar - 1
- 3
When I input a picture,it will push me an error,But if I input a video,it will work
#3 opened by AnnaRose0226 - 1
not running after git clone
#2 opened by reactdevrocks