
Project 7 of OpenClassrooms training path "applications developper PHP/Symfony" Target : Creation of an API rest

Primary LanguagePHP

Codacy Badge

Bilemo API


This project was made during my OpenClassrooms training path PHP/Symfony

[https://openclassrooms.com/fr/paths/59-developpeur-dapplication-php-symfony](More informations here)

Project Installation

$ composer install
  • update the following lines in the .env file with your informations:

  • Create the database with
$ php bin/console doctrine:database:create
  • Migrate your migrations to the database with
$ php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  • If you need to procced tests load fixtures into the database with
$ php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
  • Generate the SSL keys
$ php bin/console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair


All documentation can be found at youdomain.com/api/doc

You should first generate your Bearer Token posting your credentials at route youdomain.com/api/login_check

    "username": "your@email.com",
    "password": "yourpassword"

you will get your token like this

  "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE2MzIyMjY3ODYsImV4cCI6MTYzMjIzMDM4Niwicm9sZXMiOlsiUk9MRV9BRE1JTiIsIlJPTEVfVVNFUiJdLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImJhc3RpZW4ubXVuY2tAbWUuY29tIn0.QzSO4IWizkzPpWC7fTTPMOpeqtfb4AgzmfmyJ-n510QYtg5OTkGNHBHcIYTKxujXRIKwAI9JK4vy3x74cK0az4ndbg4Xq8TZUhqtxrCxBz241BhEamQQQ3WEcvKExUAWyVmLUf6TDFN4d10YQSnZLbRy5BBUpNlnMeDMTNSM7ni6r9Annjxn-C03FpEYdEwKw0LTsMYWBzXdCgvlNOiUa929X8Q86rsP4AXzofMAMShx9ITawEYo3XwYMJU-jPTHjkuT8Kx7J3NuzsI8JGkMhngaBbllyyPrcMSFVBEssevtEV4SyBLfQlOcM-4TjB2yUHglAzmoWpoxoIDmpaeTXw"

Now you can send your request with header :

Authorization = Bearer {your token}

Routes are :

Method Route Description
GET /api/products/{id} The details of the product {id}
GET /api/products The list of all products
GET /api/users The list of the users for the customer company
GET /api/users/{id} The details of the user {id} (should be own by the customer)
POST /api/users Create a new user for the company
PUT /api/users{id} Update the user {id} (should be own by the customer)
DELETE /api/users/{id} Delete the user {id} (should be own by the customer)