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iOS module Catalog

Catalog module is intended for displaying of n-level catalog. All elements can be separated using categories. Categories can be displayed in list view or grid view.

XML Structure declaration


  • title - widget name. Title is being displayed on navigation panel when widget is launched.
  • colorskin - this is root tag to set up color scheme. Contains 5 elements (color[1-5]). Each widget may set colors for elements of the interface using the color scheme in any order, however generally color1 - background color, color3 - titles color, color4 - font color, color5 - date or price color.
  • app_name - name of mobile application, is being added into text message using Share feature.
  • currency - string representation of a currency.
  • currency_position - arrangement of the name or currency badge concerning the sum (number). Values: left and right
  • mainpagestyle - category view type: list or grid. Values: list and grid
  • showimages - attribute for images and categories displaying/hiding. Values: on and off.


<title><![CDATA[ Products ]]></title>
<currency><![CDATA[ lei ]]></currency>
<currencyposition><![CDATA[ right ]]></currencyposition>
<mainpagestyle><![CDATA[ grid ]]></mainpagestyle>
<showimages><![CDATA[ on ]]></showimages>
    <color1><![CDATA[ #23660f ]]></color1>
    <color2><![CDATA[ #fbff94 ]]></color2>
    <color3><![CDATA[ #b7ffa2 ]]></color3>
    <color4><![CDATA[ #ffffff ]]></color4>
    <color5><![CDATA[ #fbff94 ]]></color5>
        <![CDATA[ New_Category in two lines ]]>
        <![CDATA[ ]]>
        <![CDATA[ ]]>
    <item price="100">
            <![CDATA[ Item 1 ]]>
            <font color="#0000bb"><u>test </u><i>test</i> <b>test</b></font>
            <![CDATA[ 9e1366f28f82ba3c0ae295691b8920eb904044a0.dat ]]>
            <![CDATA[ 8fe5ce4c491199a5bc6b26e938790bbfd4e986f0.dat ]]>
        <![CDATA[ Category 2 ]]>
        <![CDATA[ b181fc18016655b63a08441e1a6f55480435e1ec.dat ]]>
    <item price="">
            <![CDATA[ Item 1 ]]>
            <![CDATA[ test ]]>
            <![CDATA[ ]]>
            <![CDATA[ ]]>
            <![CDATA[ ]]>
            <![CDATA[ ]]>
    <item price="100000000">
            <![CDATA[ Item 2 ]]>
            <![CDATA[ <br> ]]>
            <![CDATA[ c6e3ae27f1e5b81f2b1135e998af43b7f7e2a635.dat ]]>
            <![CDATA[ a5d7710bed2476453300a1d8e16cc910338ebf0f.dat ]]>