Training Full Spike Neural Networks via Auxiliary Accumulation Pathway

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Training Full Spike Neural Networks via Auxiliary Accumulation Pathway


This repository contains the official PyTorch implementation of the following paper:

Training Full Spike Neural Networks via Auxiliary Accumulation Pathway,
Guangyao Chen, Peixi Peng, Guoqi Li, Yonghong Tian [arXiv][Bibtex]



  • [05/2023] Code are released.


We suggest to use anaconda install all packages.

Install torch>=1.5.0 by referring to:


Install tensorboard:

pip install tensorboard

The origin codes uses a specific SpikingJelly. To maximize reproducibility, the user can download the latest SpikingJelly and rollback to the version that we used to train:

git clone https://github.com/fangwei123456/spikingjelly.git
cd spikingjelly
git reset --hard 2958519df84ad77c316c6e6fbfac96fb2e5f59a3
python setup.py install

Running Examples

Train on ImageNet

cd imagenet

Train the FSNN-18 (AAP) with 8 GPUs:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 --use_env train.py --cos_lr_T 320 --model dsnn18 -b 64 --output-dir ./logs --tb --print-freq 500 --amp --cache-dataset --connect_f IAND --T 4 --lr 0.1 --epoch 320 --data-path /datasets/imagenet


If you find our work useful for your research, please consider giving a star ⭐ and citation 🍺:

  title={Training Full Spike Neural Networks via Auxiliary Accumulation Pathway},
  author={Chen, Guangyao and Peng, Peixi and Li, Guoqi and Tian, Yonghong},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.11929},


This code is built using the spikingjelly framework, the syops-counter tool and the Spike-Element-Wise-ResNet repository.