- 1
How to train and test on my custom dataset
#16 opened by kazuki-can - 0
- 2
Experiments on TinyimageNet
#17 opened by XuYin94 - 2
How to generate label for unknown classes?
#14 opened by ahsanfarooqui - 0
#15 opened by sanqudui8ban - 7
Replicating results from Table 3 for ARPL
#13 opened by vojirt - 1
- 1
Where in code can we set the γ , λ and β ?
#12 opened by ahsanfarooqui - 0
Question: Why does ARPL employe the difference between the Euclidean distance and dot product as the metric?
#11 opened by diggerdu - 1
could you provide more details about how to visualize the deep feature, Are there any codes available?
#9 opened by DavidZha1994 - 0
PRL code
#8 opened by chunbolang - 0
The code for the ImageNet experiment wanted
#7 opened by xyzedd - 7
- 1
I have send the filled agreement to apply to download the PKU-AIR300 dataset via email, please check it out. Thank you!
#4 opened by Jing--Li - 1
Why assign class splits specifically in code ?
#1 opened by akira-l - 1
Questions regarding the baseline results
#2 opened by Duconnor