
2017-2018 - École polytechnique | INF442 - Concurrent programming with Java

Primary LanguageJava

École polytechnique | INF431 - Concurrent programming with Java

Academic year: 2017-2018

Teaching coordinator: Eric Goubault

There is no longer application that is not intrinsically parallel: from a simple graphical interface up to the robot controller, that manage competing events and programs, running simultaneously, and sharing common resources (memory, but also physical resources, sensors, motors, etc.).

Similarly, he is no longer hardware that is not intrinsically parallel: all modern processors are multicore, and allow, through the multi-threaded programming, to get much better performance in sequential programming.

This course aims to give the tools to master efficiently concurrent programming, avoiding the various pitfalls related to the use of shared resources. Students will handle Java threads, remote method calls (Java Remote Method Invocation, client / server) and the Mapreduce model (with Hadoop), and will see applications (interfaces graphics, Android, etc.).

Course web page: https://moodle.polytechnique.fr/enrol/index.php?id=4068