
ARM-ComputeLibrary for Android

Primary LanguageC++

How to run it?

No , You can't run it, because some cross complie question i didn't solve

  git clone https://github.com/iChenLei/AlexNet_ComputeLibrary.git -depth=1

If you meet any problem!

Please contact with me by my Email (chenleicoder@gmail.com

what is this project?

A android project which use ARM-ComputeLibrary! Use the neon/opencl api to mock AlexNet
and run it on ARM-arch-based SmartPhone.

Maybe you need a guide(link) to use ComputeLibrary!


The library and main code of the project

// All is the ComputeLibary static or Dynamic lib

// OenCL for SmartPhone

// Mock the alexnet with NEON

// Mock the alexnet with OpenCL

MIT License Copyright © 2018-present

Created by chenlei © xidian_university