
"Search" module

Primary LanguageSwift

"Search" module

Module that is shown after the start of the application.

To set up

There is no need for special set up for this module.

This module is opened at the 2nd. tab of the application and created in AppCoordinator


This module has 4 dependencies:

  • Common to inherit logic from BaseRecipes
  • CommonUI for some reasons:
    • Image loader in UIImageView
    • Cells identifiers
    • TitleHeaderTableView class
  • Models to use data models
  • Networking to fetch recipes from the server
  • Resources for access to resources of the application
  • Logger to log data in debug mode

Data Sources

We have implemented 2 classes responsible for data source for the reason that we have 2 table views on the SearchViewController:

  • SearchCategoriesTableViewDataSource
  • SearchRequestsTableViewDataSource

They implement the delegate methods and use the view reference to pass the delegate methods from the table:

  • SearchCategoriesTableViewDataSourceDelegate
  • SearchRequestsTableViewDataSourceDelegate


For more details, read GitHub Wiki documentation