
Thread-safe "twitter" snowflakes.

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


Thread-safe "twitter" snowflakes.

By default the original Twitter snowflake format defines:

  • 41 bits are used to store a custom epoch with millisecond precision
  • 10 bits are used to store worker and datacenter information
  • 12 bits are used to store a sequence number

This crate lets you customize your own epoch and worker/datacenter information.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

rustflake = "0.1.0"

and this to your crate root:

use rustflake;


use rustflake::Snowflake;

fn main() {
    let mut snowflake = Snowflake::default();
    println!("{}", &snowflake.generate());
use rustflake::Snowflake;

fn main() {
    // Discord Epoch
    // Though those are not "real" discord Ids,
    // because discord increases the sequence
    // for *every* generated Id on that process
    let mut snowflake = Snowflake::new(1420070400000, 1, 1);
    println!("{}", &snowflake.generate());
use rustflake::Snowflake;

fn main() {
    // Using a builder approach
    let mut snowflake = Snowflake::default()
    println!("{}", &snowflake.generate());