
SSL/TLS mutual authentication example in Go, and layer 4 (tcp) load balancing

Primary LanguageGo

Balanced HTTP2 REST service with TLS mutual authentication


This project realize two goals:

The services are implemented in Go language


For SSL/TLS mutual authentication:

For load balancing:


Mutual authentication refers to two parties authenticating each other at the same time. That is a client authenticating itself to a server and that server authenticating itself to the client in such a way that both parties are assured of the others' identity. In adition to SSL, muutual authentication provides authentication and non-repudiation of the client, using using digital signatures.

This process it performed with certificates interchange. That is both client and server send its own certificates in connection handshaking, the client validate if the server certificate is valid and then the server validates the client certificate validation. If all it's ok the connection is stablished. After this, the server can read client centificate information to perform client identification.

Because we are realizing client authentication and identification in the service process, we cannot put an HTTP/S (layer 7) reverse proxy/load balancer in front of a service instances. This is why we configure a TCP (layer 4) reverse proxy/load balancer.

SSL/TSL mutual authentication

The project have three main components:

  • The server.
  • The client.
  • A certificate generation tool.

Certificate generation tool

Generate certificate:

go run certgen/certgen.go [-org <"Organization name">] [-name <"subject name">] [-duration <duration>] [-cert <certificate filename>] [-key <private key filename>] [-client [<true|false>]] [ip|servers....]

Example: generate a server certificate for and localhost.localdomain

go run certgen/certgen.go -cert server.crt -key server.key localhost.localdomain

Example: generate a client certificate with client_1 name

go run certgen/certgen.go -client -cert client.crt -key client.key -name=client_1

Both samples are the certificates generated in sample

The server

go run server/server.go

The client

go run client/client.go [-request=<numbre_of_request>]

Load balancing

Build service binary

CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o server server.go
