
A web application forum dedicated for writers and literature enthusiasts alike. A forum where people may have discussions about literary works, writing technicalities, ask for critiques, and so much more.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Writer's Kiln

A web application forum dedicated for writers and literature enthusiasts alike. A forum where people may have discussions about literary works, writing technicalities, ask for critiques, and so much more.

NPM Packages

  • dotenv
  • express
  • body-parser
  • mongodb
  • hbs
  • express-session
  • mongoose
  • connect-mongo
  • bcryptjs
  • multer
  • express-validator

Instructions to Run the Web Applications

  1. Download the contents of the repository
  2. Open Command Prompt
  3. Navigate to the project folder that contains the contents of the downloaded repository.
  4. Run the command npm install to initialize and install all necessary modules used in the project.
  5. To run the server locally, run the command node index.js.
  6. To run the web application, enter http://localhost:3000/ on a web browser.
  7. Alternatively, Steps 1 - 6 may be bypassed and the deployed web application may be directly accessed through https://writers-kiln.herokuapp.com.