
Condor-related scripts for performing actual placement

Primary LanguagePython


Condor-related scripts for performing actual placement

Creating a new placement test: A placement job is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). A sample dag is defined in the file placement4.dag. Which looks like the following:

JOB A placement4-submit
SCRIPT POST A post-update-repo.sh fl2mo /home/measurements/local 
SCRIPT PRE A  createJobDirs.sh fl2mo
VARS A EXPERIMENT="fl2mo" SRC_HOST="flashio-osg.calit2.optiputer.net" SRC_PATH="/home/idpl/100M" DST_HOST="mongo.mayer.optiputer.net" DST_PATH="100M" cron_hour="0-23/2" cron_minute="30"
RETRY A 100000

There are several variables that define the placement job. Currently a placement job performs the following tests

  1. iperf
  2. fdt (fast data transfer)
  3. scp (secure copy)
  4. netcat (simple, unencrypted copy
  5. iperf

The parameters of the experiment are

EXPERIMENT Name of the experiement. Name of subdirectory for data
SRC_HOST Host from which data will be copied
DST_HOST Host to which data will be copied
SRC_PATH Full path name of the file to be copied
DST_PATH relative path to which file will be copied
cron_hour hours on which placement will occur
cron_minute minute on which placement will occur

To define new placement job

  1. copy placement4.dag to <EXPERIMENT>.dag
  2. edit <EXPERIMENT>.dag to change the above parameters on the VARS line
  3. edit <EXPERIMENT>.dag to change fl2mo to EXPERIMENT on the SCRIPT PRE
  4. submit your job with condor_submit_dag <EXPERIMENT>.dag

The output file will be <EXPERIMENT>/placement4.log. Each successful placement will create a writerecord line.

Note: iperf reports Kilobytes. The other tools report Bytes.

System requirements

The placement scripts try to deploy as much of their infrastructure on the fly as possible. The following must be set up a-priori, though:

  • Condor, configured with static slots, with each slot's DedicatedScheduler attribute pointing to a distinct schedd
  • TCP port 5001-5010 open
  • iperf installed
  • The openjdk java pre-installed (for fdt)