Open world head to head tank fight game with simple AI, terrain, and advanced control system in Unreal 4
The game is a simple 1v1 large area battle, you will have to use a variety of ammo types and items to either destroy or disable an enemy tank.
The requirements will be:
- A basic level
- A few different types of tanks to start with
- Assets for each type of ammo that you can pick up (either 2d or 3d)
- Different sound effects for engine sounds, explosions, bullts, a rocky(bouldery?) sound, wind, and music.
The game is going to have to track:
- Health for both tanks
- Time of the current match
- Points for this game
- Ammo type
- Ammo capacity
- Useful items
- Shields.
On top of all of that we are going to want to track individual stats between games, maybe have a user profile.