
Coral Reef :: VS Code syntax theme

Coral Reef

Coral Reef :: Python

Coral Reef is an opinionated syntax color theme for VS Code. I love the Ocean variant of the Material theme and it inspired me to design a custom syntax theme. I started with a color commonly found on Coral Reefs that I wanted to include, the pink-ish string color in the theme, and utilized a color wheel to build around that color. The goal of the project is to create a highly readable syntax theme by approaching the process from a Graphic Design perspective and implementing Color Theory.

Please help conserve coral reefs.

If you need some help implementing Coral Reef the VS Code documentation for working with settings is excellent. I also included in this repo my keybindings.json file, and a copy of my .zshrc file as zshrc.txt.

You can find the Material theme for VS Code here:


After the Material theme is added to VS Code select the Ocean variant. To add the Coral Reef syntax theme copy the contents of coral_reef.json to your VS Code settings.json file. If you're interested in my entire VS Code customization copy the contents of settings.json to your VS Code settings.json file. Coral Reef will work with any theme, but my favorite is Material Ocean and that's the environment I designed it in. The Coral Reef theme is optimized for Ruby and Python, but it works well with a variety of languages. In order to exactly replicate the exmaples below a font that supports ligatures is required, such as FiraCode.

Python Exmample

Coral Reef :: Python

Ruby Example

Coral Reef :: Ruby

Powerlevel9k Example

The .zshrc configuration I use is also included in this repo as zshrc.txt, and it contains my entire setup. Within that setup are my Powerlevel9k settings. For the Powerlevel9k settings to work as expected Ohmyzsh, Powerlevel9k, and Nerd Fonts Complete are required. My favorite font is FiraCode, the Retina version. If you're new to customizing the terminal check out this great article for some guidance: How to Configure your macOs Terminal with Zsh like a Pro.


Project Status

This project is active and will recieve regular updates. I will continue to iterate on the Python and Ruby versions of Coral Reef, as well as adding optimization for addtional languages. If you'd like to submit an optimization for your favorite language PRs are welcome!

I hope you enjoy Coral Reef!
