
Discord Bot Wrapper based on python (simpler)

Primary LanguagePython

Discord Bot api wrapper

This discord bot api wrapper is make using python

Module is used in this program

  • Module:
    • aiohttp
    • python-dateutil


This discord bot api wrapper i make only can send msg, reply msg,edit msg,del msg but if u want to remake this can do what you want? you can!

Activate Intents

> Activate you're intents on discord developer portal like this image

Intents Activate

Quick Example

> Make a folder then put all this file's on your folder then import it as a module
import Your-folder-name
from your-folder-name import Intents

session = your-folder-name.Session({
    # You can take the discord bot token from here https://discord.com/developers/applications
    "TOKEN": "your token. Ex: 01282xidasdm-91mcoamp",
    "INTENTS": Intents.ALL # You can see the intent here base_dbw/intents.py. Check all the privileged gateaways here if the bot don't on or get intents error : https://discord.com/developers/applications/BotID/bot

async def on_ready():
    print(f"Bot Online: {session.client.username}")
async def on_message_start(msg):
    if msg.author.id == session.client.id:
    if msg.content.startswith("!hi"):
        await msg.reply({"content":"!hi"})
#Setup event for on_message_start & on_ready & for start the session websocket
session.event("READY", on_ready) # "READY is event_name" "fn is you're function name "on_ready""
session.event("MESSAGE_CREATE", on_message_start)



  • iFanpS