
This is simple project madeup using Node Express as backend and client as React .

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple tweet-chat-app madeup using node.js express as backend and react,redux as frontend .

How to build the project

  • Clone this repo
  • Install mongodb by going to this [link](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/).
  • Always restart the mongodb by runing this command 'sudo service mongodb start'
  • Then run npm install by going into each file i.e tweet-app-server and tweet-client
  • Then go into tweet-app-server file and run the command npm start
  • Then go to tweet-client and open another terminal and then type command npm start
  • Thats It

    You see the app running in default browser at port 3000

If you have running server problem just delete the node_modules present into tweet-server-app file and reinstall with npm install