
BotMaster is open-source software that enables the creation of modular bots easily and efficiently. Additionally, it is designed to avoid excessive resource consumption, ensuring optimal performance.

Primary LanguageJava


BotMaster is open-source software that enables the creation of modular bots easily and efficiently. Additionally, it is designed to avoid excessive resource consumption, ensuring optimal performance.


  • Modularity: Allows easy addition and removal of modules (plugins).
  • Automatic Registration of Slash Commands: Automates the registration of slash commands in Discord servers.
  • Resource Efficiency: Designed to avoid excessive resource consumption, ensuring optimal and efficient performance.
  • Wiki: A wiki as complete as possible click here.


  • Add button component handler.
  • Add redis support.
  • Add mysql support.


BotMaster automatically creates a plugins folder and registers slash commands neatly in the servers. You can choose between two modes of slash command registration:

  1. Global: This mode registers the commands globally. Although it may take up to 1 hour to be fully functional, these commands will be accessible in all Discord servers.

  2. Local: This mode registers the commands server by server. It is ideal for testing or for bots that operate in a few servers. It is not recommended for bots in more than 200 servers due to the time and effort required to update commands in each server individually.


Contributions are welcome. Please open an issue or a pull request on GitHub if you wish to contribute to the project.


If you find BotMaster useful and would like to support its development, consider donating click here.


BotMaster uses several dependencies to ensure its functionality. Here are the main dependencies used in the project:

  • SnakeYAML: YAML parsing and emitting library.
  • SLF4J API: Simple Logging Facade for Java.
  • JDA (Java Discord API): Java wrapper for the popular chat & VOIP service: Discord.
  • Apache Commons IO: Library of utilities to assist with developing IO functionality.
  • MongoDB Driver Sync: The MongoDB synchronous driver.
  • Lombok: A java library that automatically plugs into your editor and build tools, spicing up your Java.

For more information, check the complete documentation or contact the project maintainers on GitHub.