
Dotfiles for all my machines running Ubuntu or Manjaro with i3-gaps and polybar.

Primary LanguageShell

iFreilicht's dotfiles

clean screenshot busy screenshot notification detail


Desktop environment

  • Coordinated colour and font with Solarized Dark and MesloDZ Nerd Font
  • Efficient desktop layout that doesn't feel cramped, using i3-gaps and polybar
  • Automatic dynamic tiling, provided by i3-alternating-layout
  • Manual tiling control with mouse and Super+VimKeys
  • Shadows, gaps around polybar, smooth animations and transparency on inactive windows using picom
  • Unified look for all desktop menus using rofi
  • All desktop shortcuts start with Super, leaving other modifiers for apps
  • Searchable emoji-picker on Super+. using splatmoji
  • Quick calculator on Super+C using rofi-calc
  • Conventient screenshots on PrintScr using teiler


  • GPU-based rendering using kitty
  • ZSH with syntax highlighting and superpowers using oh-my-zsh and Powerlevel10k
  • Superpowered reverse search and path completion using fzf and the_silver_searcher
  • Terminal file management with ranger and Überzug
  • Convenient git aliases and dot alias for interacting with dotfile repo
  • Vim configuration with sane defaults, syntax highlighting and airline (WIP)


These dotfiles are managed using a bare repo. Clone it like so:

git clone --bare git@github.com:iFreilicht/.dotfiles.git .dotfiles/.git

And check out the files like so:

git --git-dir=.dotfiles/.git --work-tree=. checkout
git --git-dir=.dotfiles/.git --work-tree=. submodule update --init

After that, just restart your terminal. Use the dot alias instead of git for all git operations in this repository.

There's also a bootstrap.sh script, but I haven't tested it much. Better you don't use it.

To install all the tools that are required, install nix first using the determinate installer or activate flakes in your existing installation. Then, simply install everything from flake.nix:

nix run path:$HOME/.dotfiles#profile.switch

I also recommend pinning the flakes registry and channels to avoid unnecessary downloads:

nix run path:$HOME/.dotfiles#profile.pin