
A rust based binary to store locally all you need to interact with smart contracts

Primary LanguageRust

This is my improvement of the ethers-rs address book

This crate is a global database that can be used to store common addresses and ABIs for each chain.


foo@bar:~$ cargo install --git https://github.com/iFrostizz/contract-book.git
foo@bar:~$ cbook --help


foo@bar:~$ cbook --name WETH9 --address 0xC02aaA39b223FE8D0A0e5C4F27eAD9083C756Cc2 --abi '[{"constant":true,"inputs":[], ...}]' --chain mainnet

I wrote a foundry library to retrieve data in tests: https://github.com/iFrostizz/sbook


db.json structure:

  "name": {
    "abi": [
	    "constant": true,
	    "inputs": []
    "address": {
      "chain": "0x..."

Code style

cargo clippy cargo +nightl fmt


  • Finish the contract-book implementation
  • Write a foundry library that uses ffi (in progress)
  • Provide an API to find elements easily (in progress see get)
  • Let store local instances of cbook for solidity testing
  • Allow database migrations
  • Write tests (or not ;))