
A better directory and file list for Windows

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


ls is a replacement for the dir command, it is inspired by the Unix ls command to list the content of directory.

Screenshots of ls

Table of Contents


  • Show file type d for directory, l for symbolic link, - any other type
  • Show user file permissions r for read, w for write, x execution and - no permission
  • File size displayed in Bytes, MegaBytes, etc. - if size can not be retrieved
  • To which group the file belongs or - if it can not be retrieved
  • The owner of the file or - if it can not be retrieved
  • Creation / Access / Modification date, by default creation in case of sort uses the sort date
  • Icons, currently hard-coded, uses Nerd Fonts, your console has to be able to display UTF-8


  ls.exe [options] [files...]

  -?, --help                       show list of command-line options
  -v, --version                    show version of ls

  -l, --long                       display extended file metadata as a table
  -R, --recursive                  recurse into directories
      --icons                      show icons associated to file/folder
      --colors                     colorize the output
      --virterm                    use virtual terminal for better colors

  -a, --all                        show all file (include hidden and 'dot' files)
  -A, --almost-all                 show all files avoiding '.' and '..'
  -r, --reverse                    reverse the sort order
      --sort [FIELD]               which field to sort by
      --group-directories-first    list directories before other files

  pattern      Specifies the search pattern for the files to match
               Wildcards * and ? can be used in the pattern.
               ex: ls -l C:\Windows\System32\*.dll

  sort         Valid fields are: NAME, SIZE, OWNER, GROUP,
               CREATED, ACCESSED and MODIFIED.
               Fields are insensitive case.

  icons        To be able to see the icons correctly you have to use the NerdFonts

If you are using Command Prompt take into consideration to make an alias using doskey with the parameters you mostly find useful in your day to day. For Powershell make a function in your profile script and bind it to an alias using Set-Alias name.

# Command prompt
doskey ls=ls.exe --icons --colors --virterm --group-directories-first $*

# For set a permanent alias create a file with the alias end add it to the register
reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor" /v Autorun /d "doskey /macrofile=\"<file-path>\"" /f
# Powershell
function List-Dir()
    ls.exe --icons --colors --virterm --group-directories-first @args

Set-Alias -name 'ls' -value List-Dir -Option AllScope

There is an extra hidden option, --smd (show metadata), which shows a list of available extensions with their color and the icon of each.

# Output format
(r, g, b)  icon  extension


ls.exe is distributed under the terms of the Apache License Version 2.0. A complete version of the license is available in the LICENSE.md in this repository. Any contribution made to this project will be licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.