
All you need for your personal server

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Everything that you need for your personal server

What is this?

RaspServer is composed by 2 big directories:

  • App
  • Server


The App directory contains a React-Native Application that is compatible with Android and iOS.

This app has a list of Services (programs like website or bots that you run in your server).

When you select a Service, your phone send a socket to your server.

Server reply with the status of your Service (ON or OFF) and its console (so you can check an error or something like this).

Also you can turn on or off the Service you have selected.


The Server directory contains the script that you have to execute on your server.

It manages the sockets and the services.

How can I setup it for my server?

First of all if you haven't already done, you have to install NodeJS. You can install it here.

After you have installed it in your pc and in your server, use this command to clone this repository in your PC and in your server

$ git clone https://github.com/PyGera/RaspServer.git


If this is the first time that you use React-Native, you should read this guide to setup your environment.

After you have setup React-Native on your pc, you have to change directory with this command

$ cd RaspServer/App

Now you have to install all npm dependencies with this command

$ npm install

Before you install the app on your phone, you should change the default server ip address. To do this, you have to change raspserver:3000, on line 83 of Service.js, with the ip address of your server and its port.

If you have an Android phone you have to activate Debug on Developers Settings.

Plug your phone into your PC by using an USB cable and run this command

$ npm run android

Now RaspServer is installed in your phone.


The first thing you have to do is change directory with the following command

$ cd RaspServer/Server

Now you can install the npm dependencies with this command

$ npm install

If you want you can change the port of your server, but if you change it, you have to change it also in your phone App

Now you can launch the program with this command

$ node main.js

Tips: you can use nodemon instead of node ; )

Now we have a basic setup of RaspServer in our phone and in our server.

How can I add my Services?

To add your Services you have to change a lot of code in the App directory and in server directory twice. I'm working hard to make easily this for you.


Open App.js and create a Service

const Website = <Service title="Portfolio" description="Website" image={require("./pathtoimg/logo.png")} />

Add your new Service in the navigator

export default function App() {
  return (
      <Stack.Navigator initialRouteName="Loading" screenOptions={{ headerShown: false }}>
        <Stack.Screen name="Loading" component={Loading} />
        <Stack.Screen name="Home" component={Home} />
        {/* This is the line that you have to add */}
        <Stack.Screen name="Website" component={Website} />

Now we have to create a ServiceButton on the home page. Open Home.js and modify the following code

export default function Home({ navigation }) {
            <Nav />

            {/* This is the ServiceButton of our new Service */}
            <ServiceButton onPress={() = navigation.navigate("Website")} topBorder={true} title="Portfolio" image={require("./pathtoimg/logo.png")}>Website</ServiceButton>

Now we should have configurated with success the Service on our App


Now we have to configure the server side of the our process

For first let's change the current directory

$ cd RaspServer/Server

Server side manage sockets with 3 kind headers:

  • on
  • off
  • get

The message contains the service and the headers.

For Example:

get Service

Sockets with "get" header send the status and the console of a Service

Sockets with "on" header turn on a Service

Sockets with "off" header turn off a Service

Now we have write code to manage our new Service

Let's open main.js file.