
Filesystem wrapper

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Webpack filesystem plugin

Filesystem wrapper

Build Status codecov Dependencies dependencies Status devDependencies Status MIT License

Install Instructions

$ npm i webpack-filesystem-plugin

Note: This plugin needs NodeJS >= 6

Usage Instructions

Require webpack-filesystem-plugin

var WebpackFilesystem = require('webpack-filesystem-plugin')

Add the plugin to your plugin list

var config = {
  plugins: [
    new WebpackFilesystem({
      action: 'cp',
      source: 'test.txt',
      dist: 'awesome.txt',



  • cp: Copy files or directories
  • rm: Remove files or directories

Common options

  • silent (bool): Display/hide info logs
  • buildTrigger (string): Webpack build step (c.f plugin documentation). See below accepted steps:
    • after-emit
    • done
    • failed

Use silent mode

var config = {
  plugins: [
    new WebpackFilesystem({
      silent: true,
      action: 'cp',
      source: 'test.txt',
      dist: 'awesome.txt',
  • Type: String
  • Default: strict
  • Allowed value: strict, log, none
    • strict: catch errors in an exception, the webpack build crashes
    • log: log errors in a log file (warning.log) and none behavior
    • none: show errors in console (when silent mode is off)

Specify behavior when the plugin fail.


var config = {
  plugins: [
    new WebpackFilesystem({
      silent: true,
      action: 'cp',
      source: 'test.txt',
      dist: 'awesome.txt',
      logLevel: 'log'


All contributions are welcome. Please make a pull request and make sure things still pass after running npm test