Encapsulated express related libraries for external utilities.
It's named "gems", but it has nothing to do with Ruby programming language, believe me. It is just a programmer trying to name things 🤷
Utility "gems" will keep expanding as I discover new needings with the libraries I am using.
You can install package by executing following command:
$ npm i express-gems -s
Creates traditional connection pool with given configs.
However, callback
is called with an err
and pool
const gemMySQL = require('express-gems').gemMySQL
let options = { /* ... */ }
gemMySQL.createPool(options, (err, pool) => {
if (err) console.log('Error connecting to the DB.')
// Tadaa! Connection established and pool is created successfully
Helps you to build where templates.
const gemMySQL = require('express-gems').gemMySQL
let _pseudoReqBody = { foo:'Lorem ips', bar:'123.45', baz:'somevariable', unwanted:'malicious' }
let { where, params } = gemMySQL.buildWhereTemplate(_pseudoReqBody, {
foo: { $clause:'=?', $prefix:'%', $postfix:'%' },
bar: '=CAST(? AS UNSIGNED)',
baz: '=?',
locale: ['tr_TR', 'en_GB']
// "where" will be
/// "WHERE foo=? AND bar=CAST(? AS UNSIGNED) AND baz=? AND locale IN ('tr_TR', 'en_GB')"
// "params" will be
// ['%Lorem ips%', '123.45', 'somevariable']
Returns a gathered up, response-ready format of errors within req. MUST BE used after express-validator
middlewares are executed.
const express = require('express')
const gemValidator = require('express-gems').gemValidator
let app = express()
app.all('/some-endpoint', [ ... ], (req, res, next) => {
const errors = gemValidator.errors(req)
if (errors) return res.status(400).json({ errors })
is an object with checked fields in it. Error objects within the arrays are determined by the .withMessage(MSG)
chain within the check rules.
"checkedField1": [
{ "code":"SOME_ERROR_CODE", "arg1":"SOME_ARG" },
{ "code":"SOME_ERROR_CODE", "arg1":"SOME_ARG" },
"checkedField2": [
{ "code":"SOME_ERROR_CODE", "arg1":"SOME_ARG" },
{ "code":"SOME_ERROR_CODE", "arg1":"SOME_ARG" },
Traverses given chains
array and fills them with appropriate error messages. (Helps you in cases you do not want to repeat same withMessage(MSG)
const gemValidator = require('express-gems').gemValidator
const { check, body } = require('express-validator/check')
// With built-in standard messages
const validationRules = gemValidator.fillWithMessages([
check('foo').exists().isInt({ min: 5 }),
body('bar').optional().isLength({ max: 20 })
// With custom message builder table
const validationRules = gemValidator.fillWithMessages([
check('foo').exists().isInt({ min: 5 }),
body('bar').optional().isLength({ max: 20 })
], {
isInt: (options) => ({ error: 'Should be an integer', someCustomField: 'Yea custom field' }),
isLength: (options) => ({ error: 'Should be between', min: options[0].min, max: options[0].max })
// CAUTION: Please note that while using builder table
const validationRules = gemValidator.fillWithMessages([
], {
// isLatLong check is mapped into "_default"
_default: (options) => ({ error: 'Should be a latlong value' })
Feel free to open up an issue to let me know if you;
- Found a bug
- Have a suggestion
- Have a question