
This is a sample python/django script to demonstrate how to write a webservice to successfully communicate with SMSSync.

Primary LanguagePython

*** About ***
name: Python/Django SMSSync webservice
website: smssync.ushahidi.com
description:A sample Python/Django application to demonstrate how to write a webservice to successfully communicate with SMSSync.
version: 1.11
requires: Python 2.7.2 and Django 1.3.1 
author : Caine Wanjau caine@faidika.co.ke

This webservice has been tested on a computer running Python 2.7.2 and Django 1.3.1

Before using this software, please familarise yourself with the SMSsync documentation at smssync.ushahidi.com/doc

Installation Instructions:

1: Copy this folder into your computer:

2: Open Command Prompt/Terminal and Change to the top level directory of the application and run the following command:
$ pyhton manage.py runserver

3: Open your browser and run http://localhost:8000 [Your port number may be different depending on your settings]

4: On the home page you will see a form. This form simulates the data that would be sent from a phone running SMSsync.

5: Fill in the data as appropriate and sumbit your form. If the data has been submitted correctly you will get the following response:
{"payload": {"success": "true"}}

6: When using the webservice from the SMSsync Gateway, set your callback URL to http:// yourdomain.com/sms

All messages that are sent are logged in a text file. To view the messages, point your browser to yourdomain.com/media/log.txt